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The Fortran version of this utility, documented below, is now depricated. It has been superceded by a Perl script version ( which is automatically executed by the "resplt" command. To run the Fortran version, one must use "resplt.exe".

resplt may be used to extract residuals and/or integrated quantities from the list output (.lis) file created during a Wind-US run, and create a GENPLOT file for post-processing. This is extremely useful in monitoring convergence of the solution during a Wind-US run.

After invoking "resplt.exe", and entering the name of the .lis file, the following menu choices appear:

   Exit                 0
   Select Zone(s)      91
   Select Frequency    92
   Select average mode 99
   Confined Outflow
     Mass Flow Ratio   15
     Back Pressure     16
     Average p0        93
   Residuals     Big   L2       Integ. Planes Zone Grand
     NS            1    2         Force    11    5    8
     k-e           3    4         Lift     17   18   19
     B-B          20   21         Moment   12    6    9
     S-A          22   23         Momentum 13    7   10
     SST          24   25         Mass     14   26    -
   NEWTON NS      51   52         Heat Flx 54   55    -
   Time History        53

Convergence data may be extracted for selected zones using Select Zone(s), and at a selected cycle interval using Select Frequency. The defaults are all zones and every cycle.

The Select average mode choice may be used to calculate a composite convergence number for the entire solution by averaging over all the zones, providing that the same residuals are computed in each zone.

If the MASS FLOW keyword is being used, specifying the mass flow at an outflow boundary (formerly called "confined outflow"), the ratio of the computed mass flow to the desired mass flow (Mass Flow Ratio), and the resulting back pressure (Back Pressure), may be extracted. Note that when the DIRECT option is used with the MASS FLOW keyword, the pressure at the boundary isn't spatially-constant; in this case the pressure that's extracted will be the pressure at the first boundary point.

For any of the outflow boundary conditions (i.e., COMPRESSOR FACE, DOWNSTREAM MACH, DOWNSTREAM PRESSURE, MASS FLOW, and OUTFLOW NON-REFLECTING), if TEST option 123 was specified, the ratio of the average total pressure at the boundary to the freestream value (Average p0) may be extracted.

For these "Confined Outflow" quantities, the abscissa written into the GENPLOT file is simply an integer, starting at zero, that corresponds to the order of the data in the .lis file, not the iteration or cycle number.

The maximum residual (the column labeled Big) and the L2 norm of the residual (L2) may be extracted for the mean flow Navier-Stokes equations (NS), and for the equations in the Chien k-ε (k-e), Baldwin-Barth (B-B), Spalart-Allmaras (S-A), and Mentor SST (SST) turbulence models.

For Wind-US cases run using Newton iteration, with the same time step size in all zones, NEWTON MS may be used to extract the maximum residual, or the maximum L2 norm of the residual, for any equation group in all zones, as a function of the Newton time level.

The Time History menu choice was used with an earlier version of Wind, with time history results written into the .lis file. It does not apply to files created with Wind 5 and later.

Integrated convergence parameters specified during a Wind-US run using the LOADS keyword may also be extracted. Depending on the options specified in the LOADS input block, these parameters may include pressure forces, lift, moments, momentum, mass flow, and (for unstructured grids) heat flux. The integrated values may be over subsets or surfaces specified in the LOADS input block (the column labeled Planes), totals over the selected zones (Zone), or grand totals over all the zones (Grand).

A detailed example illustrating the use of resplt to extract the maximum residual from the .lis file is included in the Tutorial section of the Wind-US User's Guide.

Last updated 26 Aug 2015