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The adfedit utility is now obsolete and no longer being maintained. The CGNSview utility available as part of the CGNS (CFD General Notation System) external link project is recommended for examining the contents of an ADF file. This tool provides a graphical user interface that makes navigating the file structure much easier.

adfedit may be used to view (as text) the structure and contents of an ADF file. ADF (Advanced Data Format) files are created using the ADF I/O library routines, developed as part of the CGNS (CFD General Notation System) external link project. Version 3 common files, such as the common grid (.cgd) and common flow (.cfl) files currently used with Wind-US, are ADF files. The version of adfedit in the Wind-US tools distribution is essentially the same (identical to?) an earlier version available with the CGNS software.

Issuing the command adfedit causes the ADF main menu to be presented.

     ADF Utilities Main Screen
     tr              : ADF translators.
     br              : ADF browser
     q               : quit program
     ? [command]     : Help.


At any point in an adfedit session, typing "?" by itself redisplays the current menu. Typing "command" gives information on the named command. And, typing "q" will exit the adfedit session.

The ADF translators, intended to translate between ADF and plot3d files, apparently do not currently work, for at least for some types of plot3d and Version 3 common files, and are therefore not documented here.

The ADF browser is started by typing "br" at the ADFmain prompt, and causes the ADF browser menu to be presented.

     ADF Browser:
     o filename      : Open an existing database.
     z               : Close the open database.
     pwd             : Print current node.
     cd              : Change current node.
     ls              : List children of current node.
     dd              : Print description of node data.
     pd              : Print node data.
     t               : Miscellaneous ADF tools menu.
     b               : Backup to previous menu.
     q               : Quit this program.
     ? [command]     : Help.

Additional detail on the available browser commands is presented below. This information is taken from the help files supplied with adfedit.

    filename   Opens the ADF file filename as OLD in NATIVE format.

z Closes an open ADF file.

pwd Prints the name of the current node.

cd [name] Imitates the Unix cd command. The browser maintains a notion of the current node. This command changes the current node to that of the named node. If no node is named, it sets the current node to the root node. It understands ".", "..", and relative and absolute pathnames. It will accept (unambiguous) name abbreviations at the end of pathnames but not regular expressions.

ls -lt [names] Imitates the Unix ls command. If no arguments are given, the names of the children of the current node are given. Otherwise the children of the named nodes are listed. Recognized names are the same as for cd. The -l option causes the label of the named node to be included. The -t option causes the listing to indicate whether or not the node is a link.

dd Displays the type and dimensions of data at the current node.

pd Prints the data at the current node.

t Displays a menu of some additional tools for working with ADF files.

b Returns to the previous menu.

The browser command "t" causes a menu of additional tools to be presented.

     ADF Miscellaneous Tools
     pt  [filename] : Print file hierarchy to a file.
     lc             : Check for loops in hierarchy.
     td             : Report longest path in hierarchy.
     fl             : List all files involved in database.
     cdb [filename] : Collect database into one file.
     sdb filename   : Spread database into multiple files.
     b              : Backup to previous menu.
     q              : quit program
     ?   [command]  : Help.

From the above list, the lc, td, fl, cdb, and sdb commands are currently not available. The pt command causes a view of the hierarchy in the ADF file to be writted into the file filename. If the file name is omitted, the information is displayed on the screen. There are two options to the pt command: -l causes the node labels to be included, and -d causes the data type and size information to be included.

Last updated 26 Aug 2015