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(General Overview) (General Purpose Commands) (File Specification Commands) (Domain Selection Commands) (Variable Selection and Unit Control Commands) (File and Report Generation Commands) (Plotting Commands) (GENPLOT File Format) (rake file Format) (Equations Used by CFPOST)

File and Report Generation Commands

analyze - Analyze/synthesize engine face data

analyze {engine|synthesis} output file [type T45|PW|GE]

    output file   Specifies the name of the file that will contain the output from the analysis/synthesis.

type T45|PW|GE   Specifies the type of synthesis or the total pressure data to use for engine face calculations.

The analyze synthesis command generates a peak dynamic distortion pattern using the method defined by the type option. The data generated is stored in the .cgf file in a variable called p0_type, where type is T45, PW, or GE. The output file contains data similar to the analyze engine output, but tailored to the T45. Currently only the T45 methodology is supported and the peak distortion pattern is created using correlations established from the 26% T45 inlet database. The accuracy of the peak dynamic patterns is a very strong function of the accuracy of the steady-state or time-averaged total pressure pattern.

The analyze engine command creates a report of conditions and performance parameters for the specified rake using the total pressure data specified with the type option. If no type is specified then p0 is used. The input for this command must have been created by a previous interpolate command with rakes specified by the rake polar command, or using the cfcnvt option "Convert ASCII rake to Common File rake CGF" (available in cfcnvt 1.40 and later) followed by an analyze synthesis command. If more that one rake was specified to interpolate, each rake will be analyzed and reported individually. If rake file was used to generate the .cgf file, then you must store the rake code 1.0 in zonal fpar(40) and the rake angle in zonal fpar(42) for this command to operate. The utility fpro has the capability to store these numbers.

Note: This command is not available for unstructured grids.


   grid cfd10.cgf
   solution cfd10.cgf
   unit in
   zone 1
   analyze synthesis type T45 output cfd10.lis
   clear all
   grid cfd10.cgf
   solution cfd10.cgf
   zone 1
   analyze engine type T45 output cfd10dsyn.lis

See Also: The rake polar and interpolate commands for how to generate the input file to this command.

artis - Generate QWIKPLOT files for ARTIS

artis output file {formatted|unformatted|iris}

    output file   Specifies the name of the QUIKPLOT file. If a file extension is not specified then ".qpf" will be assumed if formatted is specified, otherwise ".qpd" will be assumed.

formatted   Create the output file using FORTRAN formatted WRITE statements. The file must be translated into an unformatted file using the program qputil before it can be read by artis.

unformatted   Create the output file using FORTRAN unformatted WRITE statements. The file can be read only on the same type of system on which it was created.

iris   Create the output file so that it can be read directly by artis on a Silicon Graphics workstation. This option is not available on Cray computers.

The artis command generates files for use by the ARTIS (Aerodynamic Real-Time Imaging System) that runs on Silicon Graphics workstations.

The ARTIS program requires surfaces as input. surface commands may be used to define the surfaces or subset commands may be used to specify surfaces or groups of surfaces. Each surface will become a "section" in the output file. If the subset command is used to define the surfaces, the surface should be defined so that the surface normal vector would point towards the viewer if viewed from the "front" or "outside" of the surface.

Note: This command is not available for unstructured grids.


   units inches              ! Specify default length unit for geometry
   zone 1
      surface j 1 i 9,last   ! Omit the singular axis
   zone 2
      surface j 1
      surface i last
   variable Cp; M; T Tinf
   artis output tma2 iris4

See Also: The surface command for how to define surfaces; the subset command on how to define surfaces and normal vectors; the units command on how the define the default length unit; the variable command on how to select variables and their units.

calculate - Calculate a new or predefined special function

calculate {reynolds [stress] bij value | prms | cpdot | -
   roughness height h | radeq emissivity e [tolerence tol] | -
   rel_humidity [freestream RHinf] | -
   function function in postfix (HP Polish) form}

    reynolds [stress] bij value
Calculates the Reynolds shear stress based on the input stress tensor bij. This tensor is symmetric so only the diagonal and lower diagonal elements are input and calculated. The equation solved is

  Rij = ρk (2Sij / 3 + 2Bij)

where −1/3 ≤ Bii ≤ 2/3, and −1/2 ≤ Bij ≤ 1/2. The data is saved in variables named R11, R22, R33, R12, R13, and R23, and have units of N/m2. Since these variables have known units all unit conversions are supported.

prms   Calculates pressure fluctuations on a surface created with the bledge command. The pressure fluctuations on the surface are based on wall and boundary layer edge properties as follows:

  0.006 (0.5 ρeUe2 ) / [ 0.5 (1 + Tw/Te) + 0.1 (γ−1) Me2 ]

where the subscripts e and w denote edge and wall properties, respectively. The variable stored is called prms.

cpdot Calculates Cp dotted with the surface normal vector as well as lift, drag, and side force. This function only works on surface grids, thus you must use the copy command to copy out your walls. The variables stored in the file have the following names: Cp*Nx, Cp*Ny, Cp*Nz, Cp*Ndrag, Cp*Nlift, and Cp*Nside.

roughness height h Calculates, for each wall, variables that estimate drag changes due to protruding objects of height h. The variables are dynamic pressure and Reynolds number based on height h respectively, integrated normal to the walls to the height h specified. The walls are determined from the actual boundary conditions in the grid file. The variables stored in the file have the following names: qh and rh.

radeq emissivity e [tolerence tol]
Calculates the radiation equilibrium temperature based on the wall and boundary layer edge properties. The emissivity of the gas is supplied along with an optional tolerance to converge the iterative proceedure (default 0.001). The input file must be an interpolation .cgf file generated using the bledge surface normal and interpolate commands.

rel_humidity [freestream RHinf]
Calculates the local relative humidity in the air based on the freestream relative humidity and local pressure and temperature. The variable stored in the file is called RHl and is calculated as follows:

  RHl = RHinf (p / p) × 10(−2263/T) [(T/T)−1] / (T/T)

function function in postfix (HP Polish) form
Calculates a user defined function. The user defined functions have the form

  funnam = var1 var2 opr1 var3 opr2 ...

where the vars denote variables and the oprs denote operators. The function is calculated as

  funnam = (... (var1 opr1 var2) opr2 var3) ...)

The calculate command gives the user the ability to use one of the built in functions or to define their own user function. Predefined functions in general are complex functions which are not just simple combinations of other variables. All functions are calculated and stored as a predefined or user defined variable in the .cfl file. Once the variable is saved in the file it may be operated on like any other variable except that automatic unit conversions are not supported for user defined functions. The function is calculated in all zones specified with the zone command on the entire zone, regardless of any subset specified on that zone.

Note that since the calculated function is written into the .cfl file, for CFPOST versions 4.1 and later the solution command must use the mode option to open the file in read-write mode.

For user defined functions all data is calculated and stored in the metric system. Since the variable units are not known standard unit conversions are not supported, but may be performed using the scale option in the variable command. Thus any constants which are input as part of the function must be in metric units. All CFPOST supported infinity conditions (pinf, Tinf, etc.) may be used in the equation as well as the constants gamma, R, Pr, and Prt. The values stored in the .cfl file for these constants will be used in the calculation. Remember that the variable names and predefined constant names are case sensitive. The operations available are +, -, *, /, **, sinh, cosh, tanh, sin, cos, tan, atan, atan2, log, ln, exp, erf, erfi, min, max, and abs. All variables and operators in the equation must be separated by white space. For single operator functions like sin, a dummy argument must be supplied (see following examples).

Warning: If you are writing over an existing variable which has reference and scaling data, you must renormalize the data in the function definition since the function is overwritten into the file as specified and reference and scaling data is not modified.

The following examples assume that the CFPOST version being used is 4.1 or later, and thus the .cfl file must be opened in read-write mode.

Example 1

Calculate the Reynolds shear stress tensor using the stress tensor shown below, and list it to a file.

       |  0.1  -0.5    0.0  |
   B = | -0.5  -0.06   0.01 |
       |  0.0   0.01  -0.1  |
   solution testke.cfl mode read_write
   zone 1
   calculate reynolds b11 +0.1 b22 -0.06 b33 -0.1 b12 -0.5 b13 0.0 b23 0.01
   clear variable
   units english
   variable R11;R22;R33;R12;R13;R23
   list output test.lst

Note: The variable list is cleared after the calculate command since it sets the variable list to the variables required to calculate the function.

Example 2

Calculate the normalized turbulent kinetic viscosity (nut) and plot the variable on a cut at z = 0.0. The functions are defined using standard CFPOST variables as nut = mut/rho and nutinf = muinf/rhoinf.

   solution test.cfl mode read_write
   zone 1 to last
   calculate function nut = mut rho / muinf / rhoinf *
   clear variable
   variable nut
   unit inches
   cut at z 0.0
   plot color contours
Note that:
   nut/nutinf = (mut/rho)/(muinf/rhoinf)
              = (mut/rho)*(rhoinf/muinf)
              = (mut/rho/muinf)*(rhoinf)
              = mut/rho/muinf*rhoinf
Thus the postfix form of the equation is one which can be written without parentheses and is performed in left to right order.

Example 3

Calculate the corrected airflow at each point weighted by the total area, average the results in units of lbm/s and write to a file. The function is defined using standard CFPOST variables as follows:

   CMF = rho*A*V*(T0/Tref)**0.5/(p0/pref)
where A is the total area, Tref = 518.7 °R, and pref = 14.7 psi are fixed constants. Since all constants must be input to the function in metric units these constants become Tref = 270.39 K and pref = 101353.0 P. We assume the area is a known A = 1.5 m2.
   solution test.cfl mode read_write
   zone 5
      surface I l
   calculate function CMF = t0 270.39 / 0.5 ** rho * V * 1.5 * 101353.0 * p0 /
   clear variable
   variable CMF scale 2.204
   list average output cmf.lis

Note: The scale in the variable command above converts the variable CMF from the metric system (kg/s) to the english system (lbm/s).

Example 4 - Using the sine function

   calculate function fsine = a 1.0 sin   ! gives sin(a), the 1.0
                                          !    is a dummy

Example 5 - Using the tangent function

   calculate function ftan = a b tan2   ! gives tan2(a,b)

See Also: The subset command on how to define surfaces and normal vectors; the units command on how to define the default length unit; the variable command on how to select variables and their units; the clear command for clearing subsets and variables; the list command for listing variables; the plot command for plotting data.

cfdfem - Generate a CFDFEM file for CGSA

cfdfem output file

    output file   Specifies the name of the file to receive the data. A file extension of ".fem" will be provided if none was supplied.

The cfdfem command produces a file for use in Boeing structural analysis.

The subsets must specify surfaces. surface commands may be used to define the surfaces or subset commands may be used to specify surfaces or groups of surfaces. If the subset command is used to define the surfaces, the surface should be defined so that the surface normal vector would point towards the viewer if viewed from the "front" or "outside" of the surface.

If a variable command is not specified, a standard CFDFEM file will be produced which will contain the geometry and pressure coefficient. The units of the geometry information will be the default length unit. If a variable command is specified then the geometry and the selected variables will be written to the file. Such a file will probably be usable only by a custom program.

The orientation of the axes as determined by the orientation command determine the order of appearance of the x, y, and z data in the output file. The first coordinate is the "side" or buttline coordinate, the second is the downstream or fuselage station coordinate and the last is the up or waterline coordinate.

Note: This command is not available for unstructured grids.


   units inches              ! Specify the default length unit
                             !    for the geometry
   zone 1
      surface j 1 i 9,last   ! Omit the singular axis
   zone 2
      surface j 1
   cfdfem output tma2

See Also: The subset command on how to define surfaces and normal vectors; the units command on how to define the default length unit; the variable command on how to select variables and their units.

copy - Copy or append to common files

copy [grid [to] cgdfile] [solution [to] cflfile] -
   [both [to] cgffile] [append]

    grid [to] cgdfile   The name of the common file to receive the variables from the current grid file. This parameter must not be specified if both is specified.

solution [to] cflfile   The name of the common flow file to receive the variables from the current solution file. This parameter must not be specified if both is specified.

both [to] cgffile   The name of the common grid and flow file to receive the variables from both the current grid and solution files. This parameter must not be specified if either grid or solution is specified.

append   Indicates the created zones are to be appended to the existing output files. If this qualifier is not specified then the output files must not exist prior to the execution of this command.

The copy command is used to create new common files from data extracted from the input files. This command is useful for extracting pertinent data from large CFD solutions for transmittal to other locations for other post-processing or for re-partitioning an existing solution due to memory constraints.

Each subset becomes a zone in the output file(s). All variables from the input grid and solution files are copied to their respective output files (i.e., any variable commands are ignored). Global information from the input file (flow conditions, reference and scaling data, etc.) is copied to directly to the output file. A zone in the output file inherits all zone information from the source zone in the input file. Boundary condition and zone coupling information is not transferred to the output file, so the boundary conditions must be reset if the output file is going to be used by a flow solver. For unstructured grids only unstructured surfaces can be copied, the interior cannot be.


A two-zone solution was started and it was determined that first zone was too dense in the k direction, and the second needed to be split into two zones so it would require less memory.

   grid test2z.cgd
   solution test2z.cfl
   zone 1
      subset i all j all k all,2   ! Every other point in K
   zone 2
      subset i 1,51 j a k a        ! This will be the new zone 2
      subset i 52,last j a k a     ! This will be the new zone 3
   copy grid to test3z.cgd solution to test3z.cfl
   ! Be sure to reset the boundary conditions and recouple after
   !    performing this operation!!!

delta - Create a delta .cfl file

delta [difference] cfl cflfile output file [append]

    cfl cflfile   Specifies the name of the .cfl file to be subtracted from the current solution file.

output file Specifies the name of the file to contain the delta .cfl data.

append Indicates the created zones are to be appended to the existing output files. If this qualifier is not specified then the output files must not exist prior to the execution of this command.

The delta command is used to create a .cfl file containing the difference between two solutions. The difference is just point to point, there are no projections performed, thus only the zone dimensions must match between the two solutions. Deltas will be computed for all variables specified with the variable command or the default of all variables in the .cfl file will be delta'ed. The reference conditions in the output .cfl file will be the same as the .cfl file specified with the solution command. All output variables will be written in the metric system of units.

Warning: You cannot derive new variables from delta variables, you must specify all desired variables in the variable command before performing the delta command.


   solution base.cfl
   zone 1
      surface j 1
   zone 2
      surface u 3
   copy grid to delta.cgd
   variable Cp;p;M
   delta difference cfl new.cfl output delta.cfl

See Also: The subset command on how to define surfaces and normal vectors; the variable command on how to select variables and their units; the copy command for copying subsets to another grid or flow file.

genplot - Create x-y plot files

genplot output file [multiple plots|multiple variables] -
   [multiple segments|merge_segments] [blanking|noblanking] [overwrite]

    output file   Specifies the name of the file to contain the plot data. A ".gen" file extension will be provided if none was supplied. This is a text file and it may be freely moved between different computer systems.

multiple plots   Indicates that each dependent variable will be plotted individually. This is the default value.

multiple variables   Indicates that all dependent variables will be plotted on the same plot.

multiple segments   Forces all segments to be written separately.

merge_segments   Merges segments into one segment. Used to merge segments generated by a cutting plane across multiple zones.

blanking   Indicates that grid blanking data (if it exists) should be used to skip hole points.

noblanking   Indicates that grid blanking data should be ignored.

overwrite   Causes the output file to be overwritten with the new data. The default is not to overwrite.

The genplot command generates x-y plot files for use by the plot command. The variable command defines the variables that are to be included in the output file. The first variable will be the independent variable for all plots and will appear on the x-axis. The second and subsequent variables will be the dependent variables and will always occur on the y-axis. There must always be at least two variables active at the time of the genplot command.

The data to be output will be curves. One way to explicitly define a curve is with the subset command. The second method is to define a cutting plane with the cut command that will intersect a surface defined with the subset command.

For unstructured grids, a cutting plane on a surface is the only way to create a GENPLOT file.

Example 1

Generate a plot file for Cp versus x.

   zone 1
      subset i all j 1 k 15
   variable x inches; Cp
   genplot output pltfile
Example 2

Just like the previous example except use a cutting plane to generate the curve rather than plotting along a grid line on the surface.

   zone 1
      surface j 1   ! Define the surface to be cut
   units inches     ! Specify default length unit
   cut at z 150.0   ! Constant z cutting plane
   variable x inches; Cp
   genplot output pltfile

Example 3

An unstructured example:

   zone 1
      surface u 7   ! Define the surface to be cut
   units inches     ! Specify default length unit
   cut at y 20.0    ! Constant y cutting plane
   variable x inches; M
   genplot output pltfile

See Also: The subset and surface commands on how to define curves and surfaces; the cut command on how to define cutting planes; the variable command on how to select variables and their units; the plot command on how to plot the data.

genplot surface - Create surface files for contour plotting

genplot surface output file [overwrite]

    output file   Specifies the name of the file that will contain the plot data. A file extension of ".gpc" will be provided if none was supplied. This file contains binary information and may be interchanged only between compatible computers.

overwrite   Causes the output file to be overwritten with the new data. The default is not to overwrite.

The genplot surface command generates an unstructured grid file for use by the plot contours command or any other program that can process an unstructured grid. The file contains geometry information and the variables. Variables may be specified by the variable command or defaulted to all variables in the .cfl file. The units of the geometry and variables will be in the metric system.

A surface is defined as the intersection of a plane defined with the cut command and one or more volumes defined with subset commands. Each surface will be written into an unstructured zone as a unique unstructured surface for each zone intersected. Each surface will be individually displayed when processed by the plot contours command.

Note: When using cut with a 2-D solution (KDIM = 1), always specify "k all" rather than "k 1" in all subset commands.

Example 1

Generate a plot file of Mach number and normalized static pressure for several fuselage station cuts.

   subset i all j all k all   ! Specify a default subset
   zone 1
   zone 2
   units inches               ! Specify default length unit
   cut at x 50.0              ! Constant FS cutting planes
   cut at x 75.0
   cut at x 100.0
   variable M; p pinf
   genplot surface output pltfile overwrite

Example 2

An unstructured example.

   subset u all    ! Specify a default subset
   zone 1
   zone 2
   units inches    ! Specify default length unit
   cut at x 10.0   ! Constant FS cutting planes
   variable M; Cp
   genplot surface output pltfile

See Also: The subset command on how to define volumes; the cut command on how to define a cutting planes; the variable command on how to select variables and their units; the plot contours command on how to plot the data.

integrate - Perform area-weighted, mass-weighted, or mass-flux-weighted integration

integrate [centroid] {area|mass|massflux} output listfile -
   [axisymmetric] [blanking|noblanking] [plot [x|y|z] plotfile]

    centroid   Indicates that the plot file (if requested) will also contain a plot of the computational plane area and an approximation of the centroid normal area.

area   Indicates that area-averaged integration is to be done.

mass   Indicates that mass-averaged integration is to be done.

massflux   Indicates that mass-flux-averaged integration is to be done.

listfile   The name of the file to contain the printed results of the integration. A file extension of ".lis" will be provided if none was specified.

axisymmetric   Indicates that the files represent a 2D axisymmetric solution. The solution is assumed to be fully symmetric (360 degrees) about the x axis. Results must be divided appropriately if not fully symmetric.

blanking   Indicates that hole points (if defined in the grid file) will be omitted from the integration.

noblanking   Indicates that blanking data will not be interrogated for the presence of grid holes. All selected points will be included in the integration.

plot [x|y|z] plotfile   Indicates that a plot file of the area average values is to be produced. The area averaged value on a surface will appear on the y axis and the average value of the selected coordinate (x, y, or z) will appear on the x axis. This option is only useful if the subsets select a group of planes, or you have a number of parallel cutting planes.

Each of the currently selected variables is integrated over each of the surfaces or cutting planes in the current subsets. The output file contains a listing of the result of the integration on each of the surfaces. The output file includes the area of the surface and the area weighted average, mass or mass flux weighted average, average, standard deviation, minimum value and maximum value for each of the specified variables. If a plot file is requested then a curve will be generated where each point represents either the area or mass or mass flux averaged value (depending on which is selected) of a variable on a surface.

For a surface defined with a surface or subset command, the perimeter of the area to be integrated is defined by the grid lines at the extremes of the subset. The interior of the region is viewed as a collection of independent polygons bound by grid lines. A surface defined with a cutting plane is also an independent collection of polygons, created by intersecting the plane with the grid lines in the subsets. In either case, each polygon is processed independently and added to the total. The value of a variable in a cell is considered to be the average of the values at the verticies.

Note: When using this command with a 2-D solution (KDIM = 1), always specify "k all" rather than "k 1" in all subset commands.

Note: For unstructured grids the surface(s) to be integrated must be defined with the surface command.

Note: CFPOST integrates on the cell vertex, whereas Wind-US integrates on the cell center. These methods are equivalent when integrating the entire surface, but small differences will occur when integrating on a subset of a zone surface.

Example 1

Determine the area averaged total pressure recovery and Mach number at the engine face (assume i last is the engine face):

   zone 4
      subset j all k all i last
   variable p0 p0inf; M
   integrate area output areaint
Example 2

Maybe the engine face was not at a constant i-plane! Use the cut command to specify the engine face plane.

   zone 4
      subset j all k all i all   ! Select a bigger subset
   units inches                  ! Set default length unit
   cut at x 150.0                ! Engine face location in inches
   variable p0 p0inf; M
   integrate area output areaint
Example 3

Generate a plot file of total pressure recovery, normalized pressure and Mach number versus the x coordinate in a duct. Note that all i-planes are selected. The plot file intplot would be plotted with the plot command.

   zone 4
      subset j all k all i all
   variable p0 p0inf; p pinf; M
   integrate area output intlist plot x intplot

Unstructured Example 1

   zone 4
      subset u 3
   variable p0 p0inf; M
   integrate area output areaint

Unstructured Example 2

   zone 4
      subset u 200 370   ! Select a bigger subset
   units inches          ! Set default length unit
   cut at x 150.0        ! Engine face location in inches
   variable p0 p0inf; M
   integrate area output areaint

See Also: The subset and cut commands for how to define surfaces; the variable command for how to select variables and their units; the plot command for how to plot data; "Equations Used by CFPOST."

integrate flux - Integrate fluxes through a surface

integrate flux output listfile [axisymmetric] [iviscous] -
   [blanking|noblanking] [ptbypt] [consaverage] [plot [x|y|z] plotfile]

    listfile   The name of the file to contain the printed results of the integration. A file extension of ".lis" will be provided if none was specified.

axisymmetric   Indicates that the files represent a 2D axisymmetric solution. The solution is assumed to be fully symmetric (360 degrees) about the x axis. Results must be divided appropriately if not fully symmetric.

iviscous   Indicates only those cells where the velocity at all vertices of the cell is non-zero are included in the integration. This is useful where part of the surface may be a wall.

blanking   Indicates that hole points (if defined in the grid file) will be omitted from the integration.

noblanking   Indicates that blanking data will not be interrogated for the presence of grid holes. All selected points will be included in the integration.

ptbypt   For each cell or face on the surface, include a point-by-point list of the coordinates of the cell or face center, its area, and the local mass-flux values.

consaverage   Use conservation averaging when computing integrated fluxes

plot [x|y|z] plotfile   Indicates that a plot file of mass, momentum, and energy flux is to be produced. The mass, momentum, and energy flux will appear on the y axis and the average value of the selected coordinate (x, y, or z) will appear on the x axis. This option is only useful if the subsets select a group of planes, or you have a number of parallel cutting planes.

The integrate flux command integrate the fluxes through surfaces. Mass flux, momentum flux, pressure flux and gross thrust are displayed for each surface. A total of all surfaces will be included at the end of the listing.

A surface may be defined directly with a surface command (for structured or unstructured grids), a subset command (structured grids only), or as the intersection of a cutting plane defined by the cut command. If a subset command is used to define a surface, it should be defined so that the surface normal vector would point into or out of the volume as desired. The same consideration should also be given when defining cutting planes.

For a surface defined with a surface or subset command, the perimeter of the area to be integrated is defined by the grid lines at the extremes of the subset. The interior of the region is viewed as a collection of independent polygons bound by grid lines. A surface defined with a cutting plane is also an independent collection of polygons, created by intersecting the plane with the grid lines in the subsets. In either case, each polygon is processed independently and added to the total. The value of a variable in a cell is considered to be the average of the values at the verticies.

Note: When using this command with a 2-D solution (KDIM = 1), always specify "k all" rather than "k 1" in all subset commands.


Generate a plot file of mass flow, momentum, and energy versus the x coordinate in a duct. Note that all i-planes are selected. The plot file intplot would be plotted with the plot command.

   zone 4
      subset j all k all i all
   integrate flux output intlist plot x intplot

See Also: The surface command for how to define surfaces; the subset command for how to define surfaces and normal vectors; the units command for how to define units.

integrate force - Integrate forces on a surface

integrate force output listfile [axisymmetric] [iviscous] -
   [noviscous] [first order] [ipinf] [reference area area] -
   [reference moment xm ym zm] [reference length length] -
   [reference b span] [reference cbar mean-aerodynamic-chord] -

    listfile   The name of the file to contain the printed results of the integration. A file extension of ".lis" will be provided if none was specified.

axisymmetric   Indicates that the files represent a 2D axisymmetric solution. The solution is assumed to be fully symmetric (360 degrees) about the x axis. Results must be divided appropriately if not fully symmetric.

iviscous   Indicates that only those cells whose corners all specify zero velocity are to be included in the integration. This is useful for surfaces that are only partially walls.

noviscous   Do not compute and add the viscous terms to the force. Only the pressure forces are included.

first order   Indicates that normal derivatives are to be computed first order rather than the default second order.

ipinf   The pressure terms are to be integrated as p dA instead of (p − pdA.

reference area area   The reference area to be used for calculation of lift and drag coefficients.

reference moment xm ym zm   Specifies the x, y, and z locations about which moments will be calculated.

reference length length   The reference length to be used for normalizing moments. This should not be specified if reference b and reference cbar are specified.

reference b span   Specifies the normalizing component for the non-pitching axis moments. This should not be used if reference length is specified. For symmetric cases you must supply the semispan.

reference cbar mean-aerodynamic-chord  
Specifies the normalizing component for the pitching axis moment. This should not be used if reference length is specified. The default is the reference length.

blanking   Indicates that hole points (if defined in the grid file) will be omitted from the integration.

noblanking   Indicates that blanking data will not be interrogated for the presence of grid holes. All selected points will be included in the integration.

The integrate force command integrates the pressure and viscous forces and heat transfer rates on a surface and produces a report of the the integrated values, moments and lift and drag coefficients. An individual report is provided for each surface as well as for the sum of the contributions for all surfaces. Only pressure terms are integrated for unstructured surfaces.

surface commands (for structured or unstructured grids) or subset commands (structured grids only) must be used to define the surfaces. If subset commands are used they should be defined so that the surface normal vector is directed into the volume.

The perimeter of the area to be integrated is defined by the grid lines at the extremes of the subset. The interior of the region is viewed as a collection of independent polygons bounded by grid lines. Each polygon is processed independently and added to the total. The value of a variable in a cell is considered to be the average of the values at the vertices. Forces are assumed to act at the centroid of the polygon.

Note: When using this command with a 2-D solution (KDIM = 1), always specify "k all" rather than "k 1" in all subset commands unless noviscous has been specified and a set zcoordinate command has been issued.

Structured Example

   zone 1
      surface j 1 i 9,last   ! Omit the singular axis
   zone 2
      surface j 1
   integrate force output intfrc iviscous -
         reference length 30.0 -
         reference area 100.0 -
         reference moment 15.0 0.0 1.5

Unstructured Example

   zone 2
      surface u 5
   zone 3
      surface u 3
   integrate force output intfrc iviscous -
         reference length 70.0 -
         reference area 300.0 -
         reference moment 1.0 25.0 15.0

See Also: The surface command for how to define surfaces; the subset command for how to define surfaces and normal vectors; the units command for how to define units.

integrate volume - Integrate forces and fluxes on volume faces

integrate volume output listfile [detail] [axisymmetric] -
   [iviscous] [noviscous] [first order] [reference area area] -
   [reference moment xm ym zm] [reference length length] -
   [reference b span] [reference cbar mean-aerodynamic-chord] -
   [blanking|noblanking] [ptbypt] [consaverage]

All parameters are identical to the parameters for the integrate flux and/or integrate force commands, with the exception of the following:

    detail   Indicates that a detailed report (of about 60 lines) is to be provided for each surface specified. If omitted, a one line summary for each surface will be provided.

ipinf   ipinf is automatically selected for integrate volume.

The integrate volume command produces a report on the degree of conservation of mass, momentum and energy within a control volume. The report gives a summary of the forces and fluxes on each face of the control volume as well as a summary of conservation resulting from adding the contributions from each face in the volume. Each volume will be reported independently.

This command calls the integrate flux and integrate force commands internally. Thus, all of the information supplied in the description of those commands is applicable to this command.

Note: This command is not implemented for unstructured grids.


Get a summary for all zones in a three-zone solution.

   grid test.cgd
   solution test.cfl
   ! Define a default control volume
   surface i 1
   surface i last
   surface j 1
   surface j last
   surface k 1
   surface k last
   zone 1
   zone 2
   zone 3
   integrate volume iviscous output intvol

See Also: The integrate flux and integrate force commands; the surface and subset commands for how to define surfaces.

interpolate - Interpolate to rake point locations

interpolate [cgf cgffile] [write savefile] [read savefile] -
   [tolerance tol] [gridunits unit]

    cgf cgffile   Specifies the name of a common file to receive the results of the interpolation request. This file may then be used by other CFPOST commands such as list and plot to display the results in the manner you desire.

write savefile   Specifies the name of an interpolation save file to be created. The interpolation data (zone, cell, location in cell) for the currently selected rakes and grid is written to this file for later use by the read savefile parameter.

read savefile   Specifies the name of an interpolation save file created by an earlier execution with the write savefile parameter. In this case, any currently selected rakes are ignored and the interpolation information is used from savefile. This greatly speeds up the interpolation process when interpolating at the same points in multiple solutions run on the same grid since the search for the cells containing the selected points is not required.

tolerance tol   The maximum allowable distance (in current units) from an interpolated point to the bounds of the subset. The default value is 0.001.

gridunits unit   Specifies the units to use when storing the grid in the .cgf file. Note that solution variables are still stored in the MKS system.

The interpolate command is used to retrieve information from the input files at specified Cartesian coordinates rather than computational (i, j, k) coordinates. The command would most often be used to extract data at experimental probe point locations. The rake command is used to specify the locations of the points for which information is desired. This command may also be used to interpolate onto a surface. If only surface subsets are specified, the program will perform a bilinear interpolation on the surface. This is very useful for extracting values at experimental tap locations or for interpolating a solution on one grid onto a different grid. For unstructured grids only volume interpolation is supported.

The output from this command is another common file that contains the specified x, y, and z locations and the interpolated values of the selected variables organized into a structured grid format. If no variables have been selected, all variables from the input files are copied to the output file. The information for each rake command is written into its own zone with the I dimension being the number of x points, the J dimension being the number of y points, and the K dimension being the number of z points. The x, y, and z coordinates are sorted into ascending order along each of the coordinate directions.

The variables are written to the file in metric units, and all reference conditions are copied. Note that if the original solution data was stored on cell centers, then the interpolation factors are calculated on cell centers.

Example 1

   grid test.cgd
   solution test1.cfl
   units inches         ! set default length unit for rake input
   ! rake 1, dimension 101 x 20 x 1
   rake x 120.2 130.3 0.1 y 50.5 60.5 0.5 z 82.0
   ! rake 2, dimension 101 x 40 x 1
   rake x 120.2 130.3 0.1 y 50.5 60.5 0.5 z 82.0
   ! rake 3, dimension 201 x 80 x 1
   rake x 120.2 130.3 0.1 y 50.5 60.5 0.5 z 82.0
   ! rake 4, dimension 13 x 1 x 1
   rake line begin 1.0 6.2 8.3 end 1.5 6.5 9.2 num 11
   ! select variables to be interpolated
   variable M;p;T;u;v;w
   ! interpolate variables and write a save file for a later
   ! interpolation on a different solution with the same grid
   interpolate write cgf test1.cgf
   ! now we want to list the results
   clear all            ! reset CFPOST
   grid test1.cgf       ! select new file as the grid file
   solution test1.cgf   ! also select it as the solution file
   ! select the variables to list
   variable x inches; y inches
   variable M
   variable locbeta     ! locbeta is derived for u and w
   ! select the subsets
   subset i a j a k a   ! create a default subset
   zone 1               ! zone 1 contains data from rake 1
   zone 2               ! zone 2 contains data from rake 2
   zone 3               ! zone 3 contains data from rake 3
   zone 4               ! zone 4 contains data from rake 4
   list output test1    ! test1.lis contains the results

Example 2

   ! Use interpolation save file to get the data from the
   ! same points in a new solution
   solution test2.cfl
   variable M;p;T;u;v;w
   ! Use the interpolation save file created in example 1
   interpolate read cgf test2.cgf

Example 3

   units inches
   ! Specify rake locations using a file
   rake file taps.egl
   zone 1
      surface j 1
   zone 2
      surface k 1
   ! Since only surfaces are specified interpolation is bilinear on the surface
   interpolate cgf taps.cgf tolerance .01

Example 4

This example uses the bledge command to generate an interpolation file, performs the interpolation, and then uses the calculate command to calculate pressure fluctuations on the boundary layer edge.

   grid 3post.cgd
   solution 3psau.cfl
   units inches
   zone 2
      surface j last
   zone 4
      surface j last
   zone 5
      surface j last
   zone 7
      surface j last
   zone 8
      surface j last
   boundary layer is y+ of 300
   bledge surface output
   clear all
   interpolate read cgf bledge.cgf
   clear all
   grid bledge.cgf
   solution bledge.cgf
   zone 1
      subset i a j 30,last k 1,2
   zone 2
      subset i a j 30,last k 1,2
   zone 3
      subset i a j a k 1,2
   zone 4
      subset i a j a k 1,2
   zone 5
      subset i a j a k 1,2
   units metric
   clear variable
   calculate prms
   clear variable
   variable M;p pinf;T Tinf;q qinf;prms
   plot3d q bledgeq.plt iris

Example 5

A minus sign should not be used on variables written to an interpolation file, because CFPOST will not be able to read those variables later and will assign zero to those values. Instead, apply the minus sign when reading variables from the interpolation file.

   grid test.cgd
   solution test1.cfl
   units inches         ! set default length unit for rake input
   ! rake 1, dimension 101 x 20 x 1
   rake x 120.2 130.3 0.1 y 50.5 60.5 0.5 z 82.0
   ! select variables to be interpolated
   ! do not apply minus sign here, or variables cannot be read later
   variable uu; vv; ww; uv; uw; vw
   interpolate cgf test1.cgf
   ! list the results
   clear all            ! reset CFPOST
   grid test1.cgf       ! select new file as the grid file
   solution test1.cgf   ! also select it as the solution file
   ! select the variables to list
   ! apply minus sign here as desired
   variable x inches; y inches
   variable uu; vv; ww; -uv; -uw; -vw
   ! select the subsets
   subset i a j a k a   ! create a default subset
   zone 1               ! zone 1 contains data from rake 1
   list output test1    ! test1.lis contains the results

See Also: The bledge command for how to specify the interpolation points; the boundary layer command for specifying how to find the boundary layer; the subset command for how to define the domain to be searched; the variable command for how to select variables and their units; the clear command for how to clear subsets and variables; the calculate command for calculating special functions; the plot3d command to create a plot3d file.

list - List data to screen or a file

list [output file] [limits] [average] -
   [[inside|outside] range low [to] high] -
   [blanking|noblanking] [pause|nopause] [lines lines-per-page] [raw] -
   [nowrap|wrap linelength]

    output file   Specifies the name of a file to contain the resultant listing. If no file is specified the output will go to the terminal. A default file extension of ".lis" will be provided if a file name is supplied without an extension.

limits   Displays the minimum and maximum value and their locations for each variable. If more than one subset is specified, the values will be the minimum and maximum values of all the zones.

average   Displays the average value for each variable. If more than one subset is specified, the values will be the average values of all the zones.

inside|outside   List only values inside or outside the range specified by the range keyword. The default value is inside.

range low [to] high   Limits the display of variables to those locations where the value of the first variable in the variable list is in(out) of the range low and high. If inside is specified or implied, only locations where the value is between low and high inclusive will be displayed. If outside is specified, only locations where the value is less than low or greater than high will be displayed.

blanking   Points that are indicated as being hole points in the grid file are not listed.

noblanking   Blanking data in the grid file is not examined to see if a point should not be listed.

raw   Outputs data without headers or form feeds in a wide 132 column format.

nowrap|wrap linelength   Specfies whether or not output lines are to be wrapped. The default is wrap, with a linelength of 132 characters if raw is specified, and 80 characters otherwise.

The list command lists the values of all of the selected variables in all of the selected subsets. The command can be used to find the minimum and maximum value of the selected variables and their location. It can also be used to find values that are inside or outside a specified range. The raw and nowrap formats are useful for writing data for programs to read.

For subsets of unstructured grids selected with the surface command, all points associated with the selected surface are listed.

Example 1

   zone 1
      subset i all j 1 k 15
   variable x inches; p pinf; T Tinf

Example 2

   ! Find all bad points in a solution
   variable p pinf
   list outside range 0.0 to 100.0

See Also: The subset command for how to define the domain to be listed; the variable command for how to select variables and their units.

neumcp - Generate a NEUMCP file

neumcp output file

    output file   Specifies the name of the file to receive the data. A file extension of ".neu" will be provided if none was supplied. The file contains only text data and can be freely interchanged between computer systems.

The neumcp command produces a NEUMCP file that is used by several organizations within Boeing.

surface commands may be used to define the surfaces or subset commands may be used to specify surfaces or groups of surfaces. If a subset command is used to define a surface, it should define the surface so that the normal vector would point towards the viewer if viewed from the "front" or "outside" of the surface.

If a variable command is not specified, a standard NEUMCP file will be produced which contains the geometry and pressure coefficient. The units of the geometry information will be the default length unit. If a variable command is specified then the geometry and the selected variables will be written to the file. Such a file will probably be usable only by a custom program.

Note: This command is not available for unstructured grids.


   units inches              ! Default length unit for geometry
   zone 1
      surface j 1 i 9,last   ! Omit the singular axis
   zone 2
      surface j 1
   neumcp output tma2
See Also: The surface command for how to define surfaces; the subset command on how to define surfaces and normal vectors; the units command on how to define the default length unit; the variable command on how to select variables and their units.

plot3d - Generate files for PLOT3D

plot3d [xyz xyzfile] [q qfile] [function functionfile] [names namesfile] -
   [2D|3D] [mgrid] [blank] [formatted|unformatted|iris]

    xyz xyzfile   Specifies the name of the PLOT3D grid file.

q qfile   Specifies the name of the PLOT3D solution file.

function functionfile   Specifies the name of the PLOT3D function file.

names namesfile   Specifies the name of the PLOT3D function names file.

2D   Indicates that data is to be written so that it can be read with the READ/2D command.

3D   Indicates that data is to be written so that it can be read with the READ/3D command.

mgrid   Indicates that data is to be written so that it can be read with the READ/MGRID command. This option is automatically implied if more than one subset is specified. If only one subset has been specified, then this option must be specified if multigrid format is desired.

blank   Indicates that IBLANK data is to be included in the xyz file. The file must be read with the READ/BLANK command.

formatted   Indicates that data is to be written so that it can be read with the READ/FORMATTED command. Such files can be freely exchanged between computer systems. This is the default option.

unformatted   Indicates the data is to be written so that in can be read with the READ/UNFORMATTED command. Because these files contain binary information, they can be interchanged only between like computer systems.

iris   Indicates the data is to be written so that it can be read with the standard binary READ command on a Silicon Graphics computer system (or any IEEE Big Endian system like HP, Sun, or PC). This option is not available on Cray computers.

This command produces files for the program PLOT3D or any other program that accepts files in PLOT3D format. Currently the output is always single precision.

The data written to the xyz file will be written in units of default length units.

If a variable command has not been specified, the standard five variables (four if 2D) will be written to the q or function file with the standard PLOT3D normalization. (I.e., the variables written are static density, momentum in the Cartesian coordinate directions, and total energy per unit volume, with density non-dimensionalized by the freestream static density ρ, velocity non-dimensionalized by the freestream speed of sound a, and total energy per unit volume non-dimensionalized by ρa2.)

If a variable command is specified then exactly five variables (four if 2D) must be selected for output to the q file. If the user wants to plot fewer than five variables, the remaining variables in the q file must be filled with any valid variable. If using PLOT3D the resultant file must be read with the /NOCHECK qualifier. The first variable is plotted as FUNCTION 100, second as 160, third as 161, fourth as 162 (if not 2D) and the last as 163.

Alternatively, an arbitrary number of variables may be selected for output to a PLOT3D function file. When reading function files with PLOT3D, be sure to use the READ/NOCHECK command to avoid warning messages. Note that some software products, such as Tecplot, will only read function files if the file structure (i.e., 2D, mgrid, formatted, etc.) is described manually and the solution file style is set to Plot3d Function rather than Plot3d Classic (i.e., q files). The function names file is a simple text file used by some commercial software products (i.e., Fieldview, Tecplot) to identify the names of the variables stored in the PLOT3D function file.

Note: This command is not available for unstructured grids.

Example 1

Create standard PLOT3D "xyz" and "q" files for all of the solid body surfaces.

   units inches                   ! Default units for the "xyz" file
   zone 1
      subset i 9,last j 1 k all   ! Omit the singular axis
   zone 2
      surface j 1
   plot3d xyz q test.q unformatted

Example 2

Create a non-standard 3D "q" file for plotting two chemical species mass fractions. Note that three other variables must be specifed just to fill up five slots.

   units inches
   subset i all j all k all   ! Define a default subset
   zone 1
   zone 2
   variable H2O; CO2; u; u; u
   plot3d q species.q unformatted

The resultant file must be read with the PLOT3D READ/NOCHECK qualifier. H2O will be plotted with function 100 and CO2 with function 160.

Example 3

Create a 3D "function" file and function "names" file for plotting two chemical species mass fractions. Note that this function file will only contain two variables.

   units inches
   subset i all j all k all   ! Define a default subset
   zone 1
   zone 2
   variable H2O; CO2
   plot3d function names species.nam unformatted

The resultant file must be read with the PLOT3D READ/NOCHECK qualifier. H2O will be plotted with function 100 and CO2 with function 160.

Example 4

Create a 3D "function" file and function "names" file for plotting more than five variables. Note that such files can become quite large, depending on the number and size of subsets selected.

   subset i all j all k all           ! Define a default subset
   zone 1 to last
   units inches                       ! Default units for the "xyz" file
   plot3d xyz unformatted
   units fps                          ! Default units for the "function" file
   variable rho; u; v; w; p lbf inch; T; M
   plot3d function names plot3d.nam unformatted

See Also: The subset command for how to define the domain; the units command for how to define the default length unit; the variable command for how to select variables and their units.

smooth - Smooth a polar rake .cgf file

smooth [rake] rings num_extra_rings legs num_extra_legs

    rings num_extra_rings   Specifies the number of rings to add between existing rings.

legs num_extra_legs Specifies the number of legs to add between existing legs.

The smooth command creates new rings and legs between existing rings and legs using radial and linear interpolation. The user specifies the number of rings and legs to add between the current rings and legs, all original points are maintained. The rake must be in the same order that the rake polar command generates, that is I running from the inner ring to the outer ring and J running around the legs.

Note: The new grid and solution is saved over the old grid and so no new file is generated! This command only works on polar 2D structured grids.


   grid polar.cgf
   solution polar.cgf
   zone 1
   smooth rake rings 3 legs 5
   unit inches
   cut at z 0.0
   plot color contours

See Also: The subset command for how to define the domain; the units command for how to define the default length unit; the cut command for how to set cutting planes; the plot command for how to plot color contours.

Last updated 4 Sep 2019