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Plotting Commands

plot - Plot x-y data

plot [data plotfile] [parameter parmfile] -
   [merge plotfile [merge plotfile ...]] -
   [begin firstplot] [end lastplot] [{exchange|switch} [coordinates]] -

    data plotfile   If no subsets or variables are selected, plotfile is the name of a file to be plotted. This file may have been created by a previous execution of the genplot command or any other program capable of generating a file of the proper type. If this parameter is not specified then a prompt will be issued to ask for the name of the file to plot. A file extension of ".gen" is assumed if none is specified.

If this parameter is not specified, the genplot command will be internally invoked to generate a temporary file called genplot.tmp. This file will then be plotted.

parameter parmfile   Specifies the name of a parameter file that will be used to set the various attributes of the plot. This file will generally be created during a previous execution of plot. If this parameter is not specified then the default parameters will be used.

merge plotfile [merge plotfile ...]  
Specifies the names of one or more files to be plotted simultaneously with plotfile. The first plot of each file will be plotted together on one plot, followed in a similar manner for the second and subsequent plots in each file.

begin firstplot   Specifies the number of the plot within the plot files at which plotting is to begin. This parameter is used to skip the viewing of plots at the beginning of a file. If this parameter is omitted, plotting begins with the first plot in the files.

end lastplot   Specifies the number of the plot within the plot files at which plotting is to stop. The parameter is used to stop plotting before all plots in the files have been viewed. If this parameter is omitted, plotting will stop after the last plot in the files.

exchange|switch [coordinates]  
Indicates the x and y coordinates of the data should be exchanged before plotting.

autoscale|noautoscale autoscale causes the plotting scale to be reset when a new plot is selected, noautoscale keeps the previous scale.

The plot command is used to produce x-y plots from existing GENPLOT files (produced externally or with the genplot command) or from currently selected subsets and variables.

The appearance of the plot can be controlled during the plotting process. Axis type (linear or logarithmic), scaling, grid overlays, line and symbol types and titles are some of the items that can be changed. The parameters that control appearance can be saved into a parameter file for use on subsequent plot commands. Hardcopy may be produced in either Boeing intermediate plot file (IPF) or PostScript format.

The merge parameter is useful for producing comparison plots between different solutions or between a solution and experimental data. Experimental data can be cast into GENPLOT format following the layout in the section "GENPLOT File Format."

Example: Plot a single file

   plot data pltfile                 ! Plot the whole file
   plot data pltfile begin 2 end 2   ! Plot only the second plot

Example: Plot multiple files

   plot data expdata merge soln1 merge soln2

Example: Plot data from selected subsets

   zone 1
      surface j 1   ! Define the surface to be cut
   units inches     ! Specify default length unit
   cut at z 150.0   ! Constant z cutting plane
   variable x inches; Cp
   plot             ! Plot it up ...

See Also: The genplot command for how to generate plot files; the set plot command for how to set plotting parameters; "GENPLOT File Format."

plot contours - Produce contour plots

plot [color|grey|gray] {contours|grid} [edge|alternate] [shade num] -
   [data plotfile] [inverted] [parameter parmfile] [begin firstplot] -
   [end lastplot] [variable varname] [{exchange|switch} [coordinates]] -

    color   A filled color contour plot will be generated rather than a line contour plot.

contours Color contours are plotted in either line or shaded mode as selected.

grid Plots the underlying unstructured grid surface.

grey|gray   A filled grey scale contour plot will be generated rather than a line contour plot.

edge   Filled contours will be outlined with solid lines to highlight changes in contour levels.

alternate   Like edge except every other line is a dashed line rather than a solid line.

shade num   Specifies the number of colors or shades of grey to use for constructing the shading ramp. If shade is not specified, one color or grey shade will be used for each contour level. Increasing the number of shades gives a better approximation to continous shading at the expense of increased drawing time or plot file sizes. Exceeding 64 is rarely beneficial for hardcopy devices.

inverted Inverts the color map used in color contour plotting.

data plotfile   Same as the plot command except the default file extension is .gpc.

parameter parmfile   Same as the plot command.

begin firstplot   Same as the plot command.

end lastplot   Same as the plot command.

variable varname Plots the specified variable and exits to next plot. varname can be any valid variable with scaling. If whitespace is in the name or scaling then it must be put in double quotes.

exchange|switch [coordinates]  
Same as the plot command.

autoscale|noautoscale   Same as the plot command.

The plot contours command is used to produce contour plots from files generated with the genplot surface command. The contour levels to be plotted are determined by the contour command. If a contour command is not specified contour automatic levels 15 will be assumed.

The display attributes of the contour levels and walls are controlled by the set plot curve command or controlled during the plotting process. The attributes for the first curve determine the appearance of the walls. For line plots, the attributes of the second curve determine the appearance of intermediate (nonannotated) contour levels and the attributes of the third and higher curves determine the attributes of the major (annotated) contour levels. For filled plots that are edged, the attributes of curve two determine the appearance of the edges. For filled plots with alternating edging, the attributes of curves two and three determine the appearance of the alternating edges.

For filled contour plots, the contour command determines the labels printed in the legend and where contour edge lines appear. Do not use more contour levels to achieve more continous shading; use the shade parameter to increase the number of shades. Also note that for filled plots, the contour levels indicated by the labels in the legend are at the center point of the contour bands. The edge lines are at the midpoint between contour levels.

The plotting interface allows selection from a menu of the cut to plot, so that cuts can be picked in any order and you can go back and forth between cuts. For each cut you can derive variables from existing ones in the genplot common file as long as the variable derivation does not need the grid (like y+). For vectors you can select from available or derivable vector fields and change the vector scale. When you are deriving a variable it is specified with the same syntax as the variable command. Thus unit overrides like pinf, ft, etc may be used. The grid units of the plot are the units set when the plot contours command was invoked. If no units were specified the grid will have the default units of feet.


Plot a file previously generated with the genplot surface command.

   plot contours data pltfile


Generate filled color contour plots of total pressure recovery and Mach number at the engine face. In this case the file pltfile is generated from the currently selected subsets and variables and immediately plotted. pltfile is retained for future plotting.

   zone 1
      subset i all j all k all   ! Define the volume to be cut
   units inches                  ! Specify default length unit
   cut at x 150.0                ! Constant x cutting plane
   variable p0 p0inf; M
   genplot surface output pltfile
   plot color contours edge

See Also: The genplot surface command for how to generate files for contour plotting; the plot command for a more detailed description of the parameters; the contour command for how to set the contour levels; the set plot command for how to set plot parameters; the variable command for specifying variables.

contour - Specify contour levels for contour plots

contour automatic [levels levels] |
contour increment increment |
contour manual range [; range ...]

The contour command determines the contour levels for the plot contours command.

For filled contour plots, each contour level will be assigned a label in the legend and lines will optionally be drawn at the midpoints between contour levels. Conceptually, each contour band is centered about a specified contour level and has a width equal to the contour increment.

There are three possible formats for the contour command, as follows:

contour automatic [levels levels]

    levels   Specifies the maximum number of contour levels that will be generated.

The contour automatic command indicates that the contour levels will be determined automatically from the minima and the maxima of the data to be plotted. No more than levels levels (default 15) will be generated.

contour increment [increment]

    increment   Specifies the increment between adjacent contour levels. The number of contour levels will be set so as to enclose the extremes of the data being plotted.

contour manual range [; range ...]

    range   Specifies the contour levels to be plotted, in the form start[,end,incr].

plot vectors - Produce vector plots

plot vectors [data plotfile] [scale scale] [parameter parmfile] -
   [begin firstplot] [end lastplot] [variable varname] -
   [{exchange|switch} [coordinates]] [autoscale|noautoscale]

    data plotfile   Same as the plot command except the default file extension is .gpc.

scale scale   A scaling factor for the vector length. The magnitude of a vector is multiplied by scale and the result is the length of the vector in engineering units that will be plotted. The default value for scale is 1.0.

parameter parmfile   Same as the plot command.

begin firstplot   Same as the plot command.

end lastplot   Same as the plot command.

exchange|switch [coordinates]  
Same as the plot command.

autoscale|noautoscale   Same as the plot command.

variable varname Plots the specified vector variable and exits to next plot. varname can be any valid vector variable with scaling. If whitespace is in the name or scaling then it must be put in double quotes.

The plot vector command generates vector plots.

See Also: The genplot surface command for how to generate files for vector plotting; the plot command for a more detailed description of the parameters; the set plot command for how to set plot parameters.

set plot - Set plot parameters

The set plot command allows the user to modify the appearance of subsequent plots. The values specified by the command override any values derived from the plot files or parameter files. Any value may be specified as default which causes the value to assume its default value or be gotten from a plot file or parameter file.

set plot default

Sets all user-definable plot parameters to their default values.

set plot device [ps|ipf] [-color] [-f filename] [-h height_in_inches] -
   [-w width_in_inches] [-o portrait|landscape]

Sets the current device on which plots are to appear, and some attributes of that device. Specifying a device and its associated parameters causes the selected device to be used until another set plot device command is issued.

    ps   Create a PostScript file. This is the default device.

ipf   Create a Boeing intermediate plot file (IPF), a file format used internally at Boeing.

-color   Create a color plot. The default is black and white.

-f filename   The name of the output file. The default file names are or plotfile.ipf, for a PostScript or Boeing intermediate plot file, respectively.

-h height_in_inches   The plot area height in inches. The default is 7.5.

-w width_in_inches   The plot area width in inches. The default is 10.0.

-o portrait|landscape   The plot orientation. The default is landscape.

set plot {width|height} value

Sets the width and height of the total plotting area in inches. This must be sufficient to include the plot, annotations, titles and legends. The default values are a width of 10.0 and a height of 7.5 inches. This option is not currently used and the values should not be altered.

set plot symbol height value

Sets the height in inches of the symbols used as point markers in the plot. The default value is 0.10.

set plot {x|y} origin value

Sets the x or y location in inches of the lower left corner of the plot region. For x-y and vector plots the defaults are (1.5,1.0). For contour plots the defaults are (1.25,0.75).

set plot {x|y} page [size] value

This is a synonym for set plot width (x) and set plot height (y).

set plot background -

Sets the background color for the plot. If the background color is black, the foreground color, used for axes, labels, etc., will be white. For all other background colors, the foreground color will be black. The default background color is black.

set plot curve curve# -
   line color {foreground|black|white|red|green|yellow|blue|magenta|cyan}

Sets the color for the selected curve. The default for all curves is foreground (i.e., white if the background color is black, and black otherwise).

set plot curve curve# -
   line style {none|solid|dotted|dot-dash|dash|long-dash}

Sets the line style for the selected curve. For x-y plots the defaults for the first five curves are solid, dotted, dot-dash, dash, and long-dash respectively, with the remainder being solid. For contour plotting, the first curve defines the appearance of the walls, and defaults to solid. The second curve defines the appearance of intermediate (unannotated) contour levels and defaults to dotted. Curves three and up define the appearance of the major (annotated) contour levels

set plot curve curve# symbol type {none|square|octagon|triangle| -

Sets the symbol to appear at data points on an x-y plot or as level indicators on a contour plot.

set plot curve curve# title "title"

Sets the title to appear in the legend for the specified curve. The title will be truncated to either 64 or 32 characters, depending on whether there are one or two columns in the legend.

set plot {x|y} axis annotation {positive|negative}

Establishes on which side of the axis the title and annotations are to appear. positive indicates on the counter-clockwise side, negative on the clockwise side. The default value for the x axis is negative, for the y axis it is positive.

set plot {x|y} axis annotation {horizontal|vertical|mixed}

Sets the orientation of the annotation and titles relative to the axis. horizontal indicates the title and annotations are parallel to the axis, vertical indicates the items are perpendicular to the axis, and mixed indicates the annotations are horizontal and the titles are vertical. The defaults are horizontal for the x axis and vertical for the y axis.

set plot {x|y} axis direction {increasing|decreasing}

Indicates whether values are to increase or decrease as they go from left-to-right or top-to-bottom.

set plot {x|y} axis grid {none|single|half|quarter|fifth|tenth}

Specifies the type of gridding to be applied to the plot.

set plot {x|y} axis increment value

Specifies the increment (in engineering units) between major tic marks on an axis. By default, the increment is automatically determined from the minimum and maximum values (either determined from the data to be plotted or specified by the user). If value is positive, the minimum and maximum values are rounded down and up respectively to the nearest multiple of the specified increment. If value is negative, the minimum value and the absolute value of the increment are used verbatim and the maximum value is determined by the length of the axis.

set plot {x|y} axis length value

Sets the length of the specified axis in inches. If the length is specified as a negative value and automatic scaling is used, the major tic marks will be forced to be on one inch physical increments. This is used if a resultant hardcopy plot file will have a grid overlay applied. For x-y plots and vector plots, the default lengths are 8.0 inches for the x axis and 5.0 inches for the y axis. For contour plots, the defaults lengths are 7.0 inches for the x axis and 5.25 inches for the y axis.

set plot {x|y} axis location {{left|bottom}|{right|top}|zero}

Specifies the location of the axis on the plot. The default for x axis is bottom and for y axis it is left.

set plot {x|y} axis matching {on|off}

Specifies whether the scale factor for one axis should be copied from the other axis. This option is used if both axes must have identical scaling. If both axes have this flag set, the smallest of the two scale factors will be used. For x-y plots the default is off for both axes. For contour and vector plots the default value is on for both axes.

set plot {x|y} axis {minimum|maximum} value

Specifies the minimum or maximum value (in engineering units) to be plotted on the specified axis. If one of the values (minimum or maximum) is specified, then both must be specified. If neither value is specified or they are both zero, the values are determined from the data to be plotted. The minimum and maximum values are only suggestions. These values will be rounded down or up appropriately to an integral multiple of the increment. See the set plot increment command for more details.

set plot {x|y} axis type {linear|logarithmic}

Defines the type of scaling for the specified axis. The default value for both axes is linear.

set plot [plot#] {x|y} axis title "title"

Sets the title for the specified axis. The default for plot# is one, and for title is the one read from the plot file.

set plot [plot#] {primary|secondary} title "title"

Sets the primary or secondary title. The default for plot# is one, and for title is the one read from the plot file.

set plot security {upper|lower} title "title"

Sets one of the security titles that are plotted in the lower left or upper right hand corners of the plot. The titles are printed in a heavy Roman red font, are limited to 77 characters, and are above/below all user definable titles.

set plot date {on|off}

Indicates whether the current date is to be displayed in the lower left corner of the plot. If both the date and time are to be displayed, the time will follow the date.

set plot time {on|off}

Specifies whether the current time is to be displayed in the lower left corner of the plot. If both the date and time are to be displayed, the time will follow the date.

set width - Set width or coordinate parameters

set {xwidth | ywidth | zwidth | zcoordinate}

    xwidth   Sets the width (constant) coordinate to x for 2D (kdim = 1) grids.

ywidth Sets the width (constant) coordinate to y for 2D (kdim = 1) grids.

zwidth Sets the width (constant) coordinate to z for 2D (kdim = 1) grids.

zcoordinate Sets the z coordinate to be used as a real coordinate not as a width field. This is used when integrating 3D surfaces stored as 2D (kdim = 1) grids.

The set width command is used to tell CFPOST how to treat a 2D grid for integrations and cutting planes. If one of the width fields is selected then a quasi-3D grid is generated by reflecting the selected coordinate about zero with a magnitude of one half the coordinate value. If zcoordinate is set then no quasi-3D grid is generated and the coordinates are just read out of the file without modification.

Example 1

Have 3D surface grids copied out of the full zone and integrate pressure.

   grid surfs.cgd
   solution surfs.cfl
   zone 1 to last
   set zcoordinate
   integrate force output force.lis
Example 2

We wish to cut a polar rake file which is in the x constant plane.

   grid polar.cgf
   solution polar.cgf
   unit inches
   zone 1
   set xwidth
   cut at x 0.0
   plot color contour

See Also: The plot command for a more detailed description of the parameters; the contour command for how to set the contour levels; the set plot command for how to set plot parameters; the cut command on how to set cutting planes; the integrate force command for force integrations.

visual3 - Initialize the interactive 3D/2D VISUAL3 environment

visual3 initialize [colormap file] [mirror x|y|z] [blank|noblank] -
   [big3dw|big2dw] [no3dsurf] [multizone] [grayscale]

    colormap file   Specifies a user defined color map file to be used in color contour plotting.

mirror x|y|z   Enables mirroring about the selected axis.

blank|noblank   Flag to use/ignore iblanking data in the grid file (not used for particle tracing).

big3dw|big2dw   Makes either the 3D or 2D window the largest window.

no3dsurf   Causes no surfaces to be displayed in the 3D subsets. This is useful when you have all the surfaces selected and a few full 3D zones in which to perform iso-surface, cutting plane, or particle trace displays, since duplicate or unwanted surfaces will not come up displayed.

multizone   Allows streamline traces to go between zones. This adds significant overhead to the traces in VISUAL3. The default is single zone.

grayscale   Displayed surfaces come up in gray scale instead of in color contours.

The 3D/2D visualizer VISUAL3 developed at MIT is now available in CFPOST. CFPOST provides an interface to the data used in the visualization, while VISUAL3 itself provides full 3D imaging with real time rotations/translations, user selectable cutting planes which are drawn in a separate 2D window, and particle/ribbon tracing.

The CFPOST Interface

In CFPOST you select the subsets and the variables (16 max) that you wish to view. The variables selected are programmed onto the keys a-q for selection (see "The VISUAL3 Environment" below). Unit overrides such as pinf are used in variable display. If you are displaying surfaces you should use the CFPOST surface command to ensure proper ordering of the indices. Currently only structured grids are supported. Once you set up the subsets and variables VISUAL3 is started using this command.

The VISUAL3 Environment

When VISUAL3 is initialized in a CFPOST session a number of windows appear on your screen including the 3D/2D plotting windows, a dials/groups window, a key/function window, and an auxiliary window. Each window has a specific function which may be invoked by pressing a key when that window is active!! The question mark may be entered in any window to give a help list of functions, and their associated keys, that are available in that window. Typed input and program messages appear in the original CFPOST window. The tilde may also be entered in any window to create a bitmap image of that window. A utility program exists to convert the bitmap image files into PostScript or TIF formats. Below is a brief description of each window's main function.

3D/2D Window

The 3D window is the drawing area for the 3D surface/volume plots and the 2D window displays the current cutting plane information if cutting planes are active. Some of the main functions in the 3D window include selection of the current contour variable through the press of the a-q keys (see "The CFPOST Interface" above), the selection of user defined cutting planes (F4), center/scale (+), isosurfaces (F7), streamlines/ribbons/tubes mode toggle (|), and program termination (Esc). In the 2D window the mouse buttons may be used to place starting points for streamline traces going in the upstream (left button), both (middle button), and downstream (right button) directions. Several new custom toggles which have been added are: B (set black background), W-set white background), X|Y|Z (x, y, or z mirror toggle), and E (edge outline toggle).

Dials/Group Window

This window has two main modes: a Dial Box mode and a Surface Group Display mode. The s key is used to toggle between the two modes.

The Dial Box mode is used if you don't have a dial box attached to the system. It has the usual translate/rotate/zoom areas as well as a cutting plane scan area. Each area is defined by two concentric circles, the inner circle is for fast motion and the outer circle is for regular motion. To activate the area place the cursor in the desired circle and press and hold the right/left mouse button to move right/left, up/down, etc. If you press the center mouse button while not in any of the circular areas you toggle between the 3D/2D window/Key dials.

The Surface Group Display modes lets you turn on and off the currently defined groups. Since VISUAL3 doesn't know about zones and I/J/K planes you must define a named group which is a list of all cells which make up that group. Currently CFPOST defines the six faces of each zone as a group with the label "ZONE nn face" where face is one of I1, IMAX, J1, JMAX, K1, and KMAX. By default the K1 face of each zone is automatically displayed. Thus since the CFPOST surface command creates K1 surfaces, they will automatically displayed upon initialization. For each Surface Group there are four different display options available in the four boxes to the right side of the name. The first box enables color rendering in either solid or transparent mode. If the box is white it is in solid mode, if it is grey it is in transparent mode, and if it is black it is disabled. The second box enables solid shading of the surface, other boxes enable thresholding based on the current threshold function (see "Key/Function Window" below).

Key/Function Window

This window displays the current function color bar as well as the current threshold function and range. The main functions in this window include query (q) which gives the current function range, function limits (f) which sets the current contour range, threshold range (t) which sets the threshold limits on the display if that surface has thresholding enabled (see "Dials/Group Window" above), and set isosurface value (z).


When you startup VISUAL3 it reads/creates two files, .Visual3.struc containing connectivity data for particle tracing and .Visual3.setup containing default/saved views and other miscellaneous information. If something doesn't come up scaled correctly or if particle traces are not working then you may need to get out of the program and delete these files.


VISUAL3, like PLOT3D and FAST, uses in-core memory so be aware!! VISUAL3 runs on the SGI's and on HP's with the PEX graphics library installed. PEX comes free with HP operating systems 9.05 and greater. You cannot run VISUAL3 as an X-terminal, you must be on the workstation console.

Miscellaneous Setup

In order for VISUAL3 to look right, you need to make the following additions to your .Xdefaults file.

   ! VISUAL2/3 fonts
   Visual*small:  6x10
   Visual*medium: 8x13
   Visual*med2:   -adobe-courier-bold-r-normal--17-120-100-100-m-100-iso8859-1
   Visual*large:  -adobe-courier-bold-r-normal--25-180-100-100-m-150-iso8859-1

For VISUAL3 to work well you should set your X-Windows focus policy to "pointer". To accomplish this the following line should be uncommented in your .Xdefaults file.

   Mwm*keyboardFocusPolicy: pointer

Last updated 24 June 2005