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rake file Format

The file format used by the rake file command is a form of the EAGLE ASCII surface and volume grid file. The program will accept EAGLE surface and grid files as well as less rigidly formatted files of the same type. Extensions have been made to allow the input of curves as well as surfaces and volumes. A file may contain a mix of curves, surfaces and volumes, and the file format should be based on the highest order surface in the file.

Following are some FORTRAN code fragments that demonstrate the method for creating a file of the proper format. If a file is going to contain a mix of curves, surfaces and volumes, the number of zones and their dimensions is written only at the start of the file with the information for all curves, surfaces and volumes.

Writing a 1-D File (Curves)

         Real x(ni,nz),y(ni,nz),z(ni,nz)   ! The coordinate data 
         Integer imax(nz)                  ! The dimensions

         Write (11,*) nz                   ! Number of zones 
         Do 100 n = 1, nz                  ! Dimensions
            Write (11,*) n,imax(n) 
   100   Continue
         Do 210 n = 1,nz
            Do 200 i = 1,imax(n)
               Write (11,*) x(i,n),y(i,n),z(i,n) 
   200      Continue 
   210   Continue
Writing a 2-D File (Surfaces)
         Real x(ni,nj,nz),y(ni,nj,nz),z(ni,nj,nz) 
         Integer imax(nz),jmax(nz)

         Write (11,*) nz 
         Do 100 n = 1, nz
            Write (11,*) n,imax(n),jmax(n) 
   100   Continue
         Do 220 n = 1,nz
            Do 210 j = 1,jmax(n)
               Do 200 i = 1,imax(n)
                  Write (11,*) x(i,j,n),y(i,j,n),z(i,j,n) 
   200         Continue 
   210      Continue 
   220   Continue

Writing a 3-D File (Volumes)

         Real x(ni,nj,nk,nz),y(ni,nj,nk,nz),z(ni,nj,nk,nz) 
         Integer imax(nz),jmax(nz),kmax(nz)

         Write (11,*) nz 
         Do 100 n = 1, nz
            Write (11,*) imax(n),jmax(n),kmax(n) 
   100   Continue
         Do 230 n = 1,nz
            Do 220 k = 1,kmax(n)
               Do 210 j = 1,jmax(n)
                  Do 200 i = 1,imax(n)
                     Write (11,*) x(i,j,k,n),y(i,j,k,n),z(i,j,k,n) 
   200            Continue 
   210         Continue 
   220      Continue 
   230   Continue

Last updated 16 Mar 1999