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Wind-US User's Guide
Version 3.0

Originally published as NASA TM-2016-219078, March 2016

(which may be downloaded from the NASA Technical Report Server external link)

Updates and corrections to this document are no longer being made. Documentation for the latest release of the software is available from the Wind-US Documentation Home Page.

The "Wind-US User's Guide" describes the operation and use of Wind-US, including: a basic tutorial; the physical and numerical models that are used; the boundary conditions; monitoring convergence; the files that are read and/or written; parallel execution; a complete list of input keywords and test options; and where to go for additional help. It is based on the "NASTD User's Guide," written by R. H. Bush, M. Mani, T. R. Michal, and W. W. Romer of The Boeing Company.

The PDF form of the Wind-US User's Guide (2.4M, 368 pages) was created using pdfTeX external link and the hyperref external link package, and is designed to be printed. The PDF file may be viewed and/or printed using a variety of freely available software packages, including Acrobat Reader external link, GhostScript external link, and xpdf external link. The HTML form is designed for interactive use, and the contents are listed below.

The complete Wind-US User's Guide in HTML form is also available for installation on a local system. This is a gzip'ed tar file (319K, 1.4M gunzip'ed), and may be downloaded by clicking on the link while holding down the shift key, assuming your browser supports this capability. A dialogue box will appear for you to specify the directory and file name. To unpack the contents, do

   gunzip -c user.tar.gz | tar xvf -
The files will be extracted and stored in the directory user. Point your browser to the local file user/index.html to display the Wind-US User's Guide home page. Note that this does not include the PDF form of the manual. Note also that some links, to other manuals, etc., may not work.

Last updated 30 Sep 2016