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Keyword Reference

Text Conventions

In this manual, keywords are indicated by upper-case words in a fixed-pitch font, LIKE THIS. In the actual input file, however, they may be entered as upper or lower case. They may also be abbreviated, but Wind-US does not check for uniqueness. Therefore, specifying "A I" for arbitrary inflow is not a good idea. In cases where multiple options are available, the default (if one exists) is underlined.

User-specified input parameters are indicated by italics, like this. These user-specified parameters are usually numeric values, but may also be other keywords.

Most keywords consist of a single line, containing the keyword and its user-specified input parameters. Other keywords, like CHEMISTRY, indicate the start of a keyword block containing several lines, bracketed by starting and ending keywords. Within a keyword block, only individual keywords relevant to that block may be used. Keyword blocks are indicated by the word "block" in parentheses. Some keywords have several options, making them long and complex. These are sometimes split into two (or more) lines for display purposes, with a "\" at the end of the line being continued. Long lines in the input data file (.dat) may likewise be split across multiple lines through the use of the "\" character at the end of each line.

The various keywords and keyword blocks are listed alphabetically, with each one starting a new page. The overall syntax for each keyword or keyword block is shown in a box at the top of the page, with the details following.

In addition, the following documentation conventions are used:

   |    The "or" symbol; used to separate multiple choices
   []   Delimiters surrounding optional entry(s)
   {}   Delimiters surrounding multiple entries when exactly one of them is required

Zone Selection

Many of Wind-US's capabilities may be specified on a zone-by-zone basis. Keywords used to enable these capabilities may include a zone selector at the end of the keyword command in the input data file. The keywords for which this type of specification is valid include a zone_selector format specifier in their description. The zone_selector must be of the following form:

   [ZONE] zone-list
where zone-list is of the form:
   range1[,range2[, ... rangen]]
A range is of the form:

    zonenum   Selects zone zonenum
begzone:endzone Selects all zones from begzone to endzone
begzone: Selects all zones from begzone to MAXZONE, the total number of zones in the grid file
:endzone Selects all zones from 1 to endzone
ALL Selects all zones

For some keywords that turn on capabilities that may be selected by zone, the zone_selector is optional (indicated by the syntax [zone_selector]). In this case, omitting the zone specification defaults to using the capability in all zones. You should therefore change the default selection before changing individual zones, as changing the default will reset any zones which have been individually set earlier in the input file.


To turn off (i.e., perform no iterations) in zones 5, 6, and 7, but still pass the information in these zones to the adjacent zones, and to use 10 iterations per cycle in all other zones, use the following sequence of keywords:

Note that reversing the order of the keywords would not work because resetting the default will override the initial selection.

Keyword Details

The following is a comprehensive, alphabetical list of all keywords that are valid in the Wind-US input data file. Every attempt was made to build keyword inputs from intuitive, English-language words, and to adhere to some general rules of construction for the keyword commands in the data file.

Many of the keywords apply to either structured grids (e.g., ACTUATOR) or unstructured grids (e.g., Q LIMIT), but not both. For these keywords, the type of grid that the keyword applies to is listed above the box showing the keyword syntax.

Several other keywords apply to both types of grids, but with different options or syntaxes (e.g, IMPLICIT). For these keywords, typically two syntax boxes are shown, again with labels specifying the grid type. In general, the detailed description of these keywords is divided into separate sections for structured and unstructured grids.

The remaining keywords apply to both types of grids. If the keyword syntax box isn't labeled with the words ``Structured Grids'' or ``Unstructured Grids'' (e.g., FREESTREAM), that keyword applies to both types of grids, with (mostly) the same options and syntax. Some specific options may be limited to structured or unstructured grids, and these are noted in the text.

Because of its size, the HTML version of this section has been split into separate files, one per keyword. The details for a specific keyword may be accessed by picking that keyword from the keyword list above.

Last updated 1 Apr 2016