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GMAN User's Guide

GMAN is the interactive menu-driven pre-processor that is used to specify boundary condition types, and zone connectivity in multi-zone grids.

The PDF form of the GMAN User's Guide (351K, 64 pages) was created using pdfTeX external link and the hyperref external link package, and is designed to be printed. The PDF file may be viewed and/or printed using a variety of freely available software packages, including Acrobat Reader external link, GhostScript external link, and xpdf external link. The HTML form is designed for interactive use, and the contents are listed below. This documentation is essentially identical in content to the "GMAN User's Guide," written by M. S. Fisher and T. D. Gatzke of The Boeing Company.

The complete GMAN User's Guide in HTML form is also available for installation on a local system. This is a gzip'ed tar file (190K, 390K gunzip'ed), and may be downloaded by clicking on the link while holding down the shift key, assuming your browser supports this capability. A dialogue box will appear for you to specify the directory and file name. To unpack the contents, do

   gunzip -c gman.tar.gz | tar xvf -
The files will be extracted and stored in the directory gman. Point your browser to the local file gman/index.html to display the GMAN User's Guide home page. Note that this does not include the PDF form of the manual. Note also that some links, to other manuals, etc., may not work.

An airfoil/flap example case is available describing the use of Wind-US and GMAN to solve a problem using a Chimera, or overset, grid. The example shows how to use GMAN to cut holes, define fringes, and set boundary conditions for Chimera grids. The PDF form of the Airfoil/Flap Example Case (2.2M, 19 pages) was also created using pdfTeX external link and the hyperref external link package, and is designed to be printed. The HTML form is designed for interactive use, and the contents are listed below.

Last updated 5 Feb 2003