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(Introduction) (File Types) (Command Line Interface Mode) (Basic Commands) (Grid Generation and Modification) (Grid Listing and Quality) (Boundary Conditions) (Boundary Condition Checking and Listing) (Graphical User Interface Basics) (Graphical User Interface Reference)

Command Line Interface Mode

GMAN starts out in command line mode with input read from standard input and output written to standard output. All commands or menu picks that cause file modification are written to gman.jou. This file can be used to repeat a session via use of the @ command. Note that gman.jou is appended to if it already exists at the beginning of a GMAN session. By typing SWITCH or GRAPHICS at the prompt, the program will switch to the menu-driven, graphics mode of operation. The user can get back to command line mode by picking SWITCH TO TEXT from the Main Menu in graphics mode.

Commands are entered freeform with all lowercase characters not contained within quotes converted to uppercase. Words are separated by blanks or tab characters. The start of a comment is signalled by the ! character. If a comment appears on a line with a command then the remainder of the line is considered to be a comment and is ignored. Only one command may appear on a line and a command may not span lines. Blank lines are ignored.

In the command descriptions, parameters within [...] are optional. (The [ and ] are not to be entered as part of the command.) The | specifies that only one of the values should be selected.

Most words used in a command string can be abbreviated to as few as three characters, for example SWI for SWITCH or GRA for GRAPHICS. However, if more than one command has the same first three characters, enough characters must be used to make the command unique. For example, SUBREGION and SUBAREA would require four characters to avoid ambiguity.

Last updated 16 Mar 1999