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Maxwell's Equations:
The Vector and Scalar Potentials

Note to the student: This section is reserved for advanced students, with background in electricity and magnetism, and vector differential equations.

Given Maxwell's four equations, demonstrate the existence of a vector magnetic potential and a scalar electric potential. Derive field equations for these potentials.

Maxwell's four equations read:

triangle x H = epsilon0 differentialE/differentialt + j
triangle x E = - mu0 differentialH/differentialt
triangle . H = 0
triangle . E = rho/epsilon0

where H is the magnetic field (A/m), E is the electric field (V/m), j is the vector current density (A/m2), 0 = 8.8542 x 10-12 F/m is the permittivity of free space, mu0 = 4pi x 10-7 H/m is the permeability of free space, and rho is the scalar charge density (C/m3).


Existence Of The Vector And Scalar Potentials

Let us begin with eq. 3. By a theorem of vector calculus, triangle. H = 0 if and only if there exists a vector field A such that

H = triangle x A

Call A the vector magnetic potential.

Let us now take eq. 2. We will find a characteristic solution Ec and a particular solution Ep. The total electric field will then be the sum Ec + Ep.

a. Characteristic solution: triangle x Ec = 0. By another theorem of vector calculus, this expression can be true if and only if there exists a scalar field scalar field such that Ec = - trianglescalar field. Call scalar field the scalar electric potential.

b. Particular solution: triangle x Ep = - mu0 differentialH/differentialt, and H = triangle x A allows us to write

triangle x Ep = - mu0 differential(triangle x A)/differentialt = triangle x (- mu0 differentialA/differentialt)

We may obtain a particular solution Ep by simply choosing Ep = - mu0 differentialA/differentialt.

c. Total electric field:

E = Ec + Ep = - trianglescalar field - mu0 differentialA/differentialt
Relationships Between The Vector And Scalar Potentials

Let us now substitute the expressions derived above into eqs. 4 and 1. From eq. 4, we obtain

triangle. (- trianglescalar field - mu0 differentialA/differentialt) = rho/0

and from eq. 1, we obtain

triangle x (triangle x A) = 0 differential(- trianglescalar field - mu0 differentialA/differentialt)/differentialt + j

By still another theorem of vector calculus, we have the identity

triangle x (triangle x A) = triangle(triangle . A) - triangle2A

so that eq. 8 becomes

triangle(triangle . A) - triangle2A = 0 differential(- trianglescalar field - mu0 differentialA/differentialt)/differentialt + j

or, after some simplification

triangle(triangle . A) - triangle2A = - triangle(0 differentialscalar field/differentialt) - 0 mu0 differential2A/differentialt2 + j 9.

Since triangle x grad = 0, eq. 9 may be manipulated by taking the curl of both sides. The terms involving the gradient then vanish leaving us with the identity

triangle x (triangle2A) = triangle x (0 mu0 differential2A/differentialt2 + j)

from which we may infer, without loss of generality, that

triangle2A = 0 mu0 differential2A/differentialt2 + j
triangle2A - 0 mu0 differential2A/differentialt2 = j

Eq. 10a is one of the field equations we sought. We may simplify eq. 10a somewhat if we recognize that 0 mu0 = 1/c2 where c is the speed of light. We now introduce a new operator square2 defined by

square2 = triangle2 - (1/c2) differential2 /differentialt2

so that eq. 10a becomes

square2 A = j

Using eq. 10 in eq. 9, we obtain

triangle(triangle . A) = - triangle(0 differentialscalar field/differentialt)

from which we may infer, again without loss of generality, that

triangle . A = - 0 differentialscalar field/differentialt

We must next rewrite eq. 7 by distributing the operator triangle .

triangle . (- trianglescalar field - mu0 differentialA/differentialt) = rho/0
- triangle2scalar field - mu0 differential(triangle .A)/differentialt = rho/0

Substituting eq. 12 into eq. 7a gives

- triangle2scalar field - mu0 differential(- 0differentialscalar field/differentialt)/differentialt = rho/0

which may be simplified:

triangle2scalar field - mu0 0 differential2scalar field/differentialt2 = - rho/0

or, recalling that 0 mu0 = 1/c2, and using the operator square2

square2 scalar field = - rho/0

Eq. 13a is the other field equation that we sought.

To summarize:

  1. The existence of a vector magnetic potential A and a scalar electric potential scalar field was demonstrated. The respective field equations for A and scalar field were found to be square2 A = j
    and square2 scalar field = - rho/0
  1. where j is the vector current density (A/m2), rho is the scalar charge potential (C/m3), and 0 = 8.8542 x 10-12 F/m is the permittivity of free space.

  2. Dimensional analysis on the above equations shows that A has units of electric current (amperes) and scalar field has units of electric potential (volts).


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