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The cfunsequence utility is now obsolete and no longer being maintained.
Note - Currently this utility will only work for .cfl files created using Wind-US 1.0, and earlier. When used with .cfl files created using Wind-US 2.0, it will abort with a "Requested variable does not exist" error.

cfunsequence may be used to add grid points to specified zones in a structured common flow (.cfl) file.

Input to cfunsequence is specified in a keyword input file, with the three-letter extension .inp. Lines in the input file starting with a "/" are comments. The following keywords and parameters may be specified.

    CHECK   Checks the input file for errors without performing any operations.

FILE file_in The input .cfl file.

OUTPUT file_out The output .cfl file.

SEQUENCE nsi nsj nsk [izone]
SEQUENCE nsi nsj nsk [izone]
The SEQUENCE commands tell cfunsequence how to add grid points to the zone. Grid points will be added to "reverse" the effect of grid sequencing, assuming the input .cfl file was created using the cfsequence utility with the specified SEQUENCE commands. The parameters nsi, nsj, and nsk are the number of sequencing levels that were used in the i, j, and k directions, and izone is the zone number. If izone is zero or omitted, it is assumed that the specified sequencing was applied to all zones.

Thus, for a sequencing level of one in a given direction, new grid points will be added between each original grid point in that direction. For a sequencing level of two, the process is repeated, resulting in three grid points being added between each original grid point.

Flow field values at the added grid point locations are set equal to the average of the values at the eight surrounding points (or four in two dimensions) from the original input file. Note that, for more than one level of sequencing, there will be multiple new points inside a surrounding "box" of original grid points, and that in the output .cfl file the flow field values at all of these new points will be the same.

Note that cfunsequence cannot be used successfully with an input common grid (.cgd) file to create a denser grid. cfunsequence will run, but the averaging method used to compute grid coordinates for the output file will result in an invalid grid.


The following cfunsequence input file, named cfunseq.inp, will "unsequence" the solution in the flow file case_seq.cfl, writing the results into the file case_unseq.cfl. One level of unsequencing is specified in the i and j directions in zone 2, causing solution points to be added between each between each original grid point in those directions. The solution in other zones is unchanged.

   / Input flow file
   FILE case_seq.cfl
   / Output flow file
   OUTPUT case_unseq.cfl
   / Input file was sequenced one level in i and j directions, zone 2
   SEQUENCE 1 1 0 2

The terminal session is shown below. Lines in a slanted font are typed by the user.

   % cfunsequence
                                   ***** cfunsequence *****
             Select the desired version from the following list.
   0) END
   1) cfunsequence
   Single program automatically selected.
   Omit the .inp extension!
   Enter cfunsequence INPUT FILE ............. (<CR>=cfunsequence.inp) : cfunseq
    cfunsequence - Version 1.6 (last changed 2007/02/14 00:49:24)
    * Warning: This software contains technical data whose export is           *
    * restricted by the Arms Export Control Act (Title 22, U.S.C., Sec 2751,   *
    * et seq.) or Executive Order 12470. Violation of these export-control     *
    * laws is subject to severe criminal penalties. Dissemination of this      *
    * software is controlled under DoD Directive 5230.25 and AFI 61-204.       *

Last updated 26 Aug 2015