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SEQUENCE - Grid sequencing control

Structured Grids

SEQUENCE iseq jseq kseq [zone_selector]

For structured grids, this option allows the user to, in effect, thin the computational grid, thus reducing CPU requirements. It can be used to obtain quick starting solutions for the fine grid. Separate keywords may be used for each zone.

    iseq   Number of sequencing levels in the i direction
jseq Number of sequencing levels in the j direction
kseq Number of sequencing levels in the k direction

For one sequencing level, every other grid point is used in the calculation. For two sequencing levels, the sequencing process is repeated, resulting in only every fourth grid point being used. And so on. At the end of the run, the solution is interpolated back onto the entire grid to aid in restarting the solution and to provide a continuous field for post-processing.

There are no restrictions on the number of points in the sequenced direction, except that there must be at least five points in the sequenced (i.e., coarse) grid.

Last updated 12 Dec 2006