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RELAX COUPLING - Set zone coupling relaxation factor

Structured Grids

   [ZONE zone_selector [[BOUNDARY] {ALL | I1 | IMAX | J1 | JMAX | K1 | KMAX}]]

This keyword allows the user to specify the relaxation factor when using characteristic zone coupling and structured grids. factor may range from 0.0 for no coupling, to 1.0 for full zone coupling.

Zone and boundary specification for this keyword are optional and subject to the following restrictions:

The default relaxation factor is 0.7 for steady-state calculations, and 1.0 for for space-marching and time-accurate calculations. If the RELAX COUPLING keyword is used, and all zones are selected (either by omitting the zone specification, or by specifying ZONE ALL), the relaxation factor is automatically set to 1.0 for space-marching and time-accurate calculations. However, if specific zones were selected, the specified factor will be used at the specified boundary in those zones, even for space-marching and time-accurate calculations.


Last updated 1 Apr 2016