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NAVIER-STOKES ITERATIONS - Navier-Stokes sub-iterations

NAVIER-STOKES ITERATIONS iter [zone_selector]

Wind-US organizes the equations to be solved into logical "groups" that are solved together. It also allows multiple iterations of a specific group (i.e., sub-iterations) for each "iteration per cycle". (The number of iterations per cycle is set using the ITERATIONS keyword.)

The NAVIER-STOKES ITERATIONS keyword allows the user to specify the number of sub-iterations for the Navier-Stokes equation group (which includes any chemical species equations) performed in each zone for each "iteration per cycle". The default value is one, indicating that each "iteration per cycle" corresponds to one iteration of the Navier-Stokes equations. Note that if iter is set to zero, the Navier-Stokes equations will not be solved at all.


Last updated 9 Jan 2007