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SMOOTHING - Add dissipation to explicit operator

Structured Grids

SMOOTHING [SECOND val1] [FOURTH val2] [SMLIMT val3] [zone_selector]

This keyword is used to specify artificial dissipation to be added to the explicit operator. The values val1, val2, and val3 are the second-order smoothing coefficient, the fourth-order smoothing coefficient, and the smoothing limiter, respectively.

If the SMOOTHING keyword isn't used, no smoothing is applied. If the SMOOTHING keyword is used, but without specifying values, the default values listed below are used in the selected zones. No smoothing is done in non-selected zones. (The table also includes a "TVD-like" value for each smoothing parameter.)

    Parameter   Default   "TVD-Like" Value
val11/4 < 1
val21/256< 1/32
val30 1

The default values shown in the above table represent a Jameson-type smoothing, and are good for an Euler analysis. For viscous problems, it is recommended that val1, val2, and val3 be set equal to 1, 1/64, and 2, respectively.


Last updated 30 Jan 2009