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GENPLOT File Format

CFPOST's plot command may be used to produce x-y plots from information stored in a GENPLOT file. GENPLOT files may be created by CFPOST's genplot command, or using any appropriate ASCII text editor.

There are two formats allowed for GENPLOT files. The first contains multiple curves on each plot, with each curve defined by its own set of x-y coordinate pairs. The second format also contains multiple curves on a plot, but with the same set of x coordinate values for each curve.

The curve titles specified in the file will automatically be truncated to either 64 or 32 characters, depending on whether there are one or two columns in the legend.

Comments may be included in the file by using a # as the first character in the line (for CFPOST 3.173 and later).

Format 1: Multiple y vs x curves (produced by genplot multiple plots)

    Line   Contents
1 Main plot title
2 Plot 1 sub-title
3 x-axis title
4 y-axis title
5 Number of curves
6 Curve 1 title
7 Number of points in curve 1
8 x11, y11
8 + n - 1 x1n, y1n
8 + n Curve 2 title
8 + n + 1 Number of points in curve 2
8 + n + 1 + 1 x21, y21
8 + n + 1 + m x2m, y2m (End of last curve in first plot)
... (More plots)

There may be multiple plots in one plot file. The first line is the main title for all plots in the file. Lines 2 through m represent a plot. A plot has one or more curves as described by lines 6 through 8 + n - 1. Each curve in a plot may be defined by a different number of points.

Format 2: Multiple y vs single x (produced by genplot multiple variables)

    Line   Contents
1 Main plot title
2 Plot 1 sub-title
3 x-axis title
4 y-axis title
5 Negative number of curves
6 Curve 1 title
7 Curve 2 title
6 + n - 1 Curve n title
6 + n Number of points in curves
6 + n + 1 x11, y11, y12, ..., y1n
6 + n + m xm1, ym1, ym2, ..., ymn

Last updated 16 Aug 2004