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File Naming Conventions

This discussion presents a naming convention for the naming of input and output files created during the running of a test case. These files then make up the files of the archive for the respective validation case. The intent is to standardize the names so that those examining a validation case will immediately understand the content and format of a data file just by the file name. Usage is recommended, but not mandatory.

Case Name

Each validation case is associated with a case name, casename. This case name will serve as the base name for the archive files for that validation case. Further, all the files for that validation case will be contained in a directory named casename. For example, the subsonic diffuser validation case has the case name fraser and is located in the directory fraser. Similarly, the transonic airfoil validation case has the case name raetaf and is located in the directory raetaf.

Study Name

Each validation case may include one or more study. A study may correspond to the category (example, check, or model) and / or the individual person performing the validation. A study can be indentified by numbers attached to the case name. For example, the case name transdif may have two studies which are differentiated by the names transdif01 and transdif02.

Run Name

For each validation case with the case name casename, there may be several runs. Each run is associated with a different computation which may correspond to different grids or input parameter settings. Each run can be identified by a capital letter (A, B, C, ...). For example, the WIND input data file for the first run from the supersonic wedge flow problem is wedge.A.dat. If there is only one run for a problem, one can skip this identifier.

Archive Files

At a minimum, WIND requires a common grid file and an input data file. Using the naming convention, these are then named, respectively,

As WIND performs the computation, the list and common solution file are written with names, respectively, of the form

Files for Converting from PLOT3D Grid file to Common Grid File

A common grid file may be obtained from converting a PLOT3D grid file to a common grid file. If this is the case, the CFCNVT utility should be used and a command file containing the inputs for CFCNVT should be created with a name of the form

with CFCNVT being run with the command

cfcnvt <

The PLOT3D grid file should be in 32-bit IEEE Fortran unformatted form and have the name of the form


The common grid file at this point does not have the boundary condition information specified. The GMAN program can be used interactively to specify the boundary conditions. A command file can be written to run GMAN in a command line mode. The command file name should have the form

with GMAN being run with the command

gman <

Files for Converting from PLOT3D Solutin file to Common Solution File

WIND starts a computation with uniform flow conditions as specified in the FREESTREAM keyword. If one wishes to specify an initial flow solution, a common solution (*.cfl) file is required. One way to create this file is to convert a PLOT3D solution file to the common file format using the CFCNVT utility. A command file containing the inputs for CFCNVT should be created with a name of the form

with CFCNVT being run with the command

cfcnvt <

The PLOT3D solution file should be in 32-bit IEEE Fortran unformatted form and have the name of the form

Multi-Processing Control File

If WIND is to run as a distributed process, it requires a multi-processing command file (*.mpc) and should be given the name of the form

Chemistry File

If WIND is to run using a chemistry model not from the existing chemistry library, a chemistry input file (*.chm) is needed and should be given the name of the form

List File

WIND performs the computation and creates a list file with a name of the form

Common Solution File

WIND performs the computation and writes out the common solution file with a name of the form


The L2 residual history can be obtained from the list file by using the utility RESPLT. A command file containing the inputs for RESPLT should be created with a name of the form

with RESPLT being run with the command

resplt <

The output file from RESPLT for the L2 residual history should be given the name

The residuals from other equations can follow similar conventions:

It is possible to output other computation history data from the list file (i.e. turbulence residual, mass flow, force) if the input data file indicated whether that information should be written to the list file. When using RESPLT for these, a command file should be written with a name of the form

with RESPLT being run with the command

resplt <

where data indicates what data is to be read from the list file. The output file from RESPLT for the data should be given the name


The post-processing to obtain flow properties from the computed solution should be done by the CFPOST program. Command files containing the inputs for CFPOST should be written with names of the form

with CFPOST being run with the command

cfpost <

One example is a command file to create PLOT3D grid and solution files using CFPOST. This has the name of the form

with CFPOST being run with the command

cfpost <

PLOT3D Files

This creates a grid and solution PLOT3D files with names of the form

These PLOT3D files are whole, three-dimensional, unformatted files. If there is only one block to the grid, then the file is written as single block. If there are more than one block, then the file is written as multi-block.

If PLOT3D or FAST is used to visualize the flow and a series of commands is used, command files should be written and have names of the form

Documentation Files

Documentation of the validation case should conform to the Validation Documentation Guidelines. Preferable is an HTML document; however, an ASCII "readme" is sufficient. These files should have names of the form


Compressed tar Files

To facilitate downloading the complete set of files for a validation case from the validation archive, a Unix compressed tar file should be created with a name of the form


This file is intended to be processed using the commands

uncompress casename.tar.Z
tar -xvof casename.tar

A directory named casename is created and the files for that validation case are put into that directory. If the directory already exists, files with the same name are overwritten.

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