Go on a Vacation
The students will have a chance to plan their own vacation, select their means of transportation, interesting places they wish to visit, and keep a log of their adventure including mapping their route,.

Needed Materials:
Access to the Internet or other sources of information
Pictures, travel brochures, maps
A variety of media materials to make charts, maps, their own brochures (possibly a bulletin board display of all of their routes)

1. Have each student select a location to visit. 2. Gather resources: Go on the internet to this (or your own selected) site: (Remember to go "back" to return here) USA City Link, obtain travel brochures, transportation information (train, plane, bus, rental car) etc. 3. Have the students make a booklet of their travel project. It should include: place to visit, map of their journey, description of how they planned their route and chose their form of transportation (include a description of the resources they used, including the types of communication needed to obtain this information), interesting things they plan to do there, story of what actually happens on their imaginary trip,etc. (Perhaps you might want them to make a poster or design their own travel brochure)
4. Have the students share their reports

1. Self-evaluate what they liked best about their own projects and what they would change or improve on in future projects. (Portfolio-type)
2. Assess using a rubric, individual or mastery objectives.

Additional Activities:
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