Students Comments and Concerns


"This project provided a different approach to learning. We had hands-on experience which also let us apply both chemistry and math since the 2 classes are linked. It was fun going on the field trip and at the same time learning new ideas/concepts."-Amy Sasala

"I liked going out to Baker Creek and to the Cuyahoga River. It was a great learning experinece actually getting to test the water. I also liked having the speakers come in and share what they knew about the Cuyahoga River. ... I never knew there were such problems including the oxygen level and sewage problems. -- I learned not to dump any form of waste down the sewer drain because it will eventually flow to the river."-Kristen Sihanek

"It gave the class a good chance to do actual work at a site and to see some of the real problems."-Nick Bernard

"The best part of the project was my group's project-- storm Drain Stenciling.. . . being able to spend time with my friends while helping the environment"-Lindsey Aseff

"collecting macroinvertebrates was especially interesting."-Tom Zacharyz

"I enjoyed writing the overall water quality (WQI) reports for the Cuyahoga River and Baker Creek. The notes that I had taken on the speakers, presentations and the notes I had taken on the readings were all used in my report. This is the first project I completed with information from multiple sources and hands on experience."-Carl Butcher


"The only problem I feel came in was it pushed us behind other chemistry chapters that other classes were on. . . .The project turned out to be more work than I thought, but I believe it made us all aware of problems with water pollution."-Amy Sasala

"I think the project was successful. Although it took a very long time."-Gina Hotchkiss

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