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The timplt utility is now obsolete and no longer being maintained.

timplt may be used to extract information stored in a time history (.cth) file, and create a GENPLOT file for post-processing. Time history files are created during a Wind-US run by using the HISTORY keyword This is useful in tracking the values of certain specified parameters over time in an unsteady flow.

The timplt utility is used with .cth files created using Wind versions prior to alpha 5.52. It will not work with .cth files created using newer versions of Wind; for those, use the new thplt utility.


Suppose the HISTORY keyword has been used in the form

   History variable pressure frequency 5
      History 1 17 17  1  1 1 1
      History 2 17 17 11 11 5 5
      History 3  9  9 11 11 7 7
to create a time history file named pressure.cth containing the static pressure at the points (17,1,1), (17,11,5), and (9,11,7) in zones 1, 2, and 3, respectively. The timplt utility would be used as follows to create a GENPLOT file containing the unsteady pressure data. Lines in slanted type are typed by the user.
   % timplt
    Enter name of time history file: pressure.cth
              1  Select grid point
              2  Select grid range
              3  Select variable
              6  Open another time history file
              7  End
     Enter menu selection: 1
    Enter zone number of point to track: 1
    Enter I, J, K of point to track: 17,1,1
     Currently selected point = (17,1,1)
              1  Select grid point
              2  Select grid range
              3  Select variable
              6  Open another time history file
              7  End
     Enter menu selection: 3
         1  Mach number
         2  Static pressure
         3  Static temperature
         4  U velocity
         5  V velocity
         6  W velocity
      You may select up to            5 variables.
     Enter selection: 2
     Currently selected point = (17,1,1)
     Currently selected variables are
    Static pressure
              1  Select grid point
              2  Select grid range
              3  Select variable
              4  Create GENPLOT file
              5  Analyze data
              6  Open another time history file
              7  End
     Enter menu selection: 4
    Enter name of genplot file: press1.gen
     Reading data...
     Currently selected point = (17,1,1)
     Currently selected variables are
    Static pressure
              1  Select grid point
              2  Select grid range
              3  Select variable
              4  Create GENPLOT file
              5  Analyze data
              6  Open another time history file
              7  End
   [Repeat "Select grid point," "Select variable," and
   "Create GENPLOT file" steps for the points at (17,11,5) and (9,11,7)]
     Enter menu selection: 7

Last updated 26 Aug 2015