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The NPARC Alliance flow simulation system is distributed to users as a collection of compressed tar files, containing Wind-US and several pre- and post-processing tools. Both Wind-US and the tools are available in two different "distributions" - an application distribution and a build distribution. The application distributions are intended for those who will be running the codes, but will not be modifying them. The build distributions are intended for those who must build the executables themselves, either to run on a computational platform not currently supported by the NPARC Alliance, or to include some compile-time option not present in the application distribution. [Developers also have access to a development distribution. This is discussed in the Development Environment section of the Wind-US Developer's Reference, accessible only to registered Wind-US developers.]

Wind-US Application Distribution
The Wind-US application distribution includes all the executable programs and scripts necessary to run Wind-US on a supported computational platform. Due to limited resources, pre-compiled Wind-US 2.0 executables are currently only available for 32-bit and 64-bit Linux systems.

The application distribution includes PVM but not MPI, and the Wind-US executable was built assuming that PVM message passing will be used for parallel runs. If Wind-US is to be run on a multi-processor system using MPI, you'll need to build the Wind-US executable yourself using the build distribution, and link with the locally-installed MPI libraries.

Tools Application Distribution
A tools application distribution includes all the executable programs and scripts necessary to run one or more of the various pre- and post-processing tools on a supported computational platform. This includes:

Pre-compiled tools executables are generally available for the same platforms as Wind-US.

Wind-US Build Distribution
The Wind-US build distribution contains all the files needed to build and install Wind-US on a variety of platforms. This includes:

Tools Build Distribution
A tools build distribution contains all the files needed to build and install one or more of the tools on a variety of platforms. This includes:

Last updated 26 June 2007