c ****** FLAT PLATE (INCOMPRESSIBLE) PROCESSING CODE open(unit=31,file='cf_input.txt',form='formatted') open(unit=32,file='cf_output.txt',form='formatted') open(unit=33,file='uplus_input.txt',form='formatted') open(unit=34,file='uplus_output.txt',form='formatted') c ****** re on next line is reference Reynolds number per foot re = 1.3788e6 c ****** First compute skin friction coefficient do i=1,97 read(31,*) x,cf2 rex = re*x write(32,10) rex,cf2 if (i.eq.63) cf = cf2 10 format(2x,f14.3,2x,f14.6) end do c ****** Now compute u+ and y+ c ****** Cf used below is value of Cf at x ~ 5.5 ft, taken above c ****** Note that this only reads first 51 points of 'uplus_input.txt' c ****** file, so that this works for the hexahedral/triangular prism c ****** grid with 51 'structured' cells in the inner grid layer. For c ****** the purely hexahedral or 'structured' grid, the loop below c ****** could go to 81 instead of 51 as the 'uplus_input.txt' will have c ****** 81 points from wall to top of domain. Fortunately, 51 points c ****** is enough to search the entire boundary layer uinf = 225.4 do i=1,51 read(33,*) y,u uplus = u/uinf/(cf/2.)**.5 yplus = 1.3788e6*y*(cf/2.)**.5 write(34,11) yplus,uplus 11 format(2x,f12.4,x,f12.4) end do stop end