Water Quality and Total Solids in Relation to Topography

Total Solids Overall--

The amount of solids present varies with water quality. This is shown in both suspended and dissolved solids throughout a water body.

Primarily, the suspended solid level tend to increase at greater depth of water. This is due to the fact that in most instances the suspended solids have slightly higher densities than the water in which they are present. However, sometimes high concentrations of suspended solids may be found at the surface because of the solids having lower densities than the water.

This aspect holds very true in the instance of stagnant water. When the water is not moving, many particles have the ability to settle or surface. On the contrary, in churning water the suspended solid levels tend to be more consistent.

Topography affects both the concentration and distribution of suspended solids. The geography of an area may result in different rates of erosion.
Water picks up many solids from the land it passes over. As erosion increases, the greater the concentration of suspended solids.


Total Solids in Relation to Pollution--

The amount of solids in a body of water also may include many pollutants that happen to be solids. Due to topographical landmarks like factories and other production facilities, solid pollutants may enter a stream or other body of water. These solids act exactly like the ones mentioned in the above paragraphs, but due to the landmarks a water body may be located near to, the concentrations of both of these will most likely rise. The elevated amounts of pollution solids can damage the water quality of a stream severely, and are one of the only types of solids in water that are not natural.

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