1. Play a tape of the "Jeopardy" show.
2. Write questions (or have students do this) on index cards.
3. Assign points based on the difficulty of the questions.
4. Make columns on a chalkboard or pocket chart with selected headings:
Examples: 5. Divide students into teams. One student from each team is chosen as captain to answer the questions. (Or each team member can take a turn) The team that answered correctly can select the next category and amount (or select amounts in order). The teacher reads the question, and students can ring in or raise their hands.
6. If the team correctly answers, they receive the points. If their answer is incorrect, the other team gets a chance to answer. You might choose to take away points for wrong answers.
7. Final jeopardy: Teacher reads a difficult question and the teams confer on the answer and number of points to wager.

Option for a small class: Give each student a small chalkboard, eraser, and chalk. Let students select answers in turn, but all students write their answers and show them when time is called. All correct answers receive points which can be written on the board. Students can add up their own totals at the end.

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