M2129-u-base-0-5zones Wind-US Unstructured Grid Calculation Pexit = 12.07 psi / Run conditions / Mach Pres Temp alpha beta FREESTREAM TOTAL 0.8 14.667 517.0 0.0 0.0 / Solver iteration strategy, including CFL number CYCLES 15000 print frequency 10 CONVERGE ORDER 10 CFL 50. ITER_CYCLE 2 print frequency 10 / Spatial operator info. / 2nd-order Rusanov is recommended for unstructured grids. RHS Rusanov Second CELLCENTERED / For Rusanov, the three parameters below really mean: / flux dissipation, Jacobian dissipation, slope limiter. / User manual suggests starting the calculation with the / 1st of the 2 SMOO's below, and switching to second later. / But for this case, the 3rd SMOO seems to work best. /SMOO SECOND 0.50 FOURTH 1.5 SMLIMT 2.0 /SMOO SECOND 0.25 FOURTH 1.5 SMLIMT 4.0 SMOO SECOND 0.25 FOURTH 1.5 SMLIMT 2.5 / Temporal scheme / Use Gauss-Seidel implicit operator. Compute default of / one flux Jacobian on each face (rather than 2). Solve / as a diagonal matrix system (not full block matrix). / Save the Jacobians in memory rather than recompute at each / iteration (which would reduce memory usage by about 20%, but / adds calculations). IMPLICIT UGAUSS SAVE_JACOBIAN BLOCK SUBITERATIONS 4 / Type of time step: local (varies in space), recommended / for steady flows, as opposed to constant. But limit the / maximum to minimum step size to DTRATIO. Use CFL number / given above. TIMEMARCHING VARIABLE-DT DTRATIO 1000.0 / Coupling between zones: high order Roe COUPLING MODE ROE HIGH / Algorithm limiters, to improve stability. Limit changes / in energy to -20% and +5% each iteration. Limit maximum / pressure to 76 psi. Limit density to 25 slugs/in^3. / Whenever the skewness angle where 2 adjacent cells meet / is greater than 150 degrees, reduce order of RHS to 1st. DQ LIMITER ON DEMIN -0.2 DEMAX 0.05 Q LIMIT PRESSUREMAX 76. DENSITYMAX 25.0 GRID LIMITER ANGLE 150 / Inflow BC: impose the total pressure (psi) given below. / Since HOLD_TOTALS is also there, then, for subsonic inflow, / hold the total pressure (psi) and temperature (R) given below / and whatever flow angles (degrees) are initially on the inflow / planes, and extrapolate Mach number. The Mach no. below will / only be used for initializing the flow if there's no CFL file. / Each USURFACE, also called a "surface number", also called a / "surface segment", gets its own specifications. ARBITRARY INFLOW TOTAL HOLD_TOTALS ZONE 5 / usurf# Mach Ptot Ttot alpha beta USURFACE 10013 0.8 14.667 517. 0. 0. USURFACE 13 0.8 14.667 517. 0. 0. ENDINFLOW / Outflow BC: impose the given static pressure (psi). DOWNSTREAM PRESSURE 12.07 ZONE 1 / Turbulence model. Spalart's default free-stream eddy viscosity nu_t / is 5.0, but could be changed via the FREE_ANUT keyword. The Spalart / model is only used within a certain distance of a wall that defaults / to 27 times the Prandtl turbulent boundary layer thickness at x=Lref. / You can change this distance by using the MAX_WALL_DISTANCE keyword / and specifying the parameter DistMax in whatever length units the / grid coordinates are in. Wall functions are available for both / structured and unstructured solvers. TURBULENCE MODEL SPALART /FREE_ANUT 5.0 /MAX_WALL_DISTANCE 30 /WALL FUNCTION ON / Debug inputs are specified as "DEBUG NUMBER MODE". Must have some / MODE, say 1, even if not used. / Save wall distances in the CFL file Debug 2 1 / Smooth the initial and restart conditions, / using MODE-many smoothing passes Debug 13 1 / Include the diagonal viscous flux Jacobian terms. / Important for y+ < 0.5. Debug 18 1 END