1 ! CFPOST script grid M2129-u-base-0-5zones.cgd solution M2129-u-base-0-5zones.cfl units ft set plot primary title "M2129-u-base-0-5zones" set plot secondary title "MADCAP/AFLR3 grid, Wind-US unstructured grid calculation" zone 1 to last cut y 0.001 !-------------------------------- Mach plots variable M set plot date off set plot time off set plot x axis minimum -1. set plot x axis maximum 2.5 set plot z axis minimum -1. set plot z axis maximum 0.5 plot color cont shade 64 !plot cont !-------------------------------- total pressure plots clear variables variable p0 plot color cont shade 64 !plot cont !-------------------------------- static pressure plots clear variables variable p plot color cont shade 64 !plot cont !-------------------------------- Velocity vector plots clear variable u variable v variable w plot vectors scale 0.0001 variable V autoscale !----------------------------------------- Grid plots, from the front clear subset clear cut zone 1 to last cut x -0.844 plot grid !----------------------------------------- Grid plots, from the side clear subset clear cut zone 1 to last cut y 0.01 plot grid