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NAME_________________________________ CLASS___________________ DATE____________ 

Beginner's Guide to Rockets

Charles and Gay-Lussac's Law - Worksheet

1. Which variable is plotted on the graph's vertical axis? __________________

2. Which variable is plotted on the graph's horizontal axis? ________________

3. What is the pressure in kilopascals? _________________

4. The red plunger is used to exert pressure on the gas molecules in which colored area? _____________.

5. Complete the table below as you watch the animated gas lab.





6. What do you predict the temperature will be when the volume is 5.5? ______________________

7. Sketch the completed temperature-volume graph to the right:



8. Click on "Effect of changing temperature on volume." Describe what is used to increase the temperature._________________

9. Sketch the completed volume-temperature graph to the right:



10. Write the formula equation for Charles and Gay-Lussac's Law. ___________________________

11. Write the equation for Charles and Gay-Lussac's Law in words. _____________________________

12. In the animated gas lab, the unit of temperature is _________________.

13. What are the units of volume used in this lab? _________________

14. Predict what the volume in this lab would be if the temperature were 525 K. ______

15. Predict what the volume in this lab would be if the temperature were 275 K. _____

16. State Charles and Gay-Lussac's Law in your own words: ______________________________________________________________________________________________

17. Blow up two balloons to the same size, about 6 inches in diameter. Place the opening of one balloon over the opening of each plastic bottle. Make sure the air doesn't leak out and that both balloons still have the same volume. Leave one bottle on the table and place the other in the hot water bath. Use the clamp to hold the bottle in position, so that it does not float. Describe what happens to the balloons. ______________________________________________________________________________________________

18. How does your experience with the balloons compare to the animated gas lab?___________________________________________________________________________________________