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Beginner's Guide to Propulsion
Charles and Gay- Lussac's Law

Answers will vary. Suggested answers are shown below:

1. Which variable is plotted on the graph's vertical axis? temperature

2. Which variable is plotted on the graph's horizontal axis? volume

3. What is the pressure in kilopascals? 1.5

4. The red plunger is used to exert pressure on the gas molecules in which colored area? yellow

5. Complete the table below as you watch the animated gas lab:

6. What do you predict the temperature will be when the volume is 5.5? 550 K

7. Sketch the completed temperature-volume graph:straight diagonal line from left to right; Temperature on left, Volume on bottom

8. Describe what is used to increase the temperature. A Bunsen burner is used to heat the gas in the container.

9. Sketch the completed volume-temperature:Diagonal line running bottom left to top right; Volume is left, Tenperature is bottom

 10. Write the formula equation for Charles and Gay-Lussac's Law. V = CT

11. Write the equation for Charles and Gay-Lussac's Law in words. For a given mass at constant pressure, volume is directly proportional to temperature.

12. In the animated gas lab, the unit of temperature is Kelvin.

13. What are the units of volume used in this lab? cubic meters

14. Predict what the volume in this lab would be if the temperature were 525 K. 5.25

15. Predict what the volume in this lab would be if the temperature were 275 K. 2.75

16. State Charles and Gay-Lussac's Law in your own words: When a fixed amount of gas is heated in a closed container, as the temperature increases the volume also increases.

17. Describe what happens to the balloons. The volume of the balloon on the bottle in the hot water bath increases as the temperature of the air in the balloon increases. The volume of the unheated air in the other balloon stays the same.

18. How does your experience with the balloons compare to the animated gas lab? Both show that as temperature increases, volume of gas increases.

19. Click on Temperature Variation - ETR and study the illustration. Which color and numbered area of the jet engine has the lowest temperature? color blue number 0

20. Which color and numbered area of the engine has the highest temperature? color white number 3-4

21. As air moves through the engine from point 0 to point 4, what happens to the temperature in the engine? it increases

22. Refer to the last question. According to Charles and Gay-Lussac's Law, what should happen to the volume of air as it moves from point 0 to point 4. It should increase because temperature is increasing.

23. What does the drawing indicate about the change in volume of air from point 0 to 4? The volume of air decreases because the diameter of the engine decreases.

24. Since the air in the engine increases in temperature but the volume decreases, some other property of the air must increase. Name this property. pressure


Related Pages:
Propulsion Activity Index
Propulsion Index


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Editor: Tom Benson
NASA Official: Tom Benson
Last Updated: Thu, May 13 02:38:38 PM EDT 2021

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