
This answer is incorrect.

The easiest way of doing this problem is to first cross multiply or multiply both sides of the equation by the common denominator of both fractions.

Then divide both side by the coefficient of the unknown.

The original problem

three over n equals seven twelfths

Now multiply both side of the equation by the common denominator of both sides which in this case is 12n.

twelve N multiplied by three over N equals seven twelfths multipied by twelve N

Now do some cancelation before you multiply

twelve, canceled N multiplied by three over canceled N equals seven over canceled twelve multipied by canceled twelve N

Now multiply everything out. And you should get:

thirty-six equals seven N

Next divde both sides by the coefficient of the unknown, in this case the 7

thirty-six over seven equals canceled seven N over seven

Now do some cancelation.

And the answer is:

thirty-six over seven equals N

All that remains now is to convert the 36/7 to a mixed fraction.

36/7 converted to a mixed fraction is 5 1/7.

Now let us try another one.

Solve for x.

five over x equals six over eighteen



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