
This answer is incorrect.

The easiest way to look at this problem is to view the information on a number line. In the illustration below you will see that each of the cities and the distance the temperature is from zero has been indicated. You will also notice that Detroit's temperature is only one degree away from zero and is therefore the closest to zero.

Remember when asked which number is the closest to particular number direction is not important. One away less than zero is still closer than two away greater than zero. The negative sign in the number just refers to direction, above or below the zero degree reference.

Detroit is one away from zero. Milwaukee is three away from zero. Chicago is two away from zero. Cleveland is five away from zero. Minneapolis is six away from zero. Fargo is eleven away from zero.

Now let us try another one.

These were the high temperatures recorded for June 17 for these cities:

Minneapolis............ 80 degrees
Cleveland.............. 85 degrees
Fargo..................110 degrees
Chicago................ 75 degrees
Milwaukee.............. 69 degrees
Detroit................105 degrees

Which city had the high temperature closest to 90 degrees?

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