
This answer is incorrect.

To complete this problem, you must first understand some common words and their meaning in mathematics.

With that in mind, the first problem would translate to:

10 = Y x 50,

which is normally written as:

10 = 50Y

Now all that is required is to solve for the unknown. In this case divide both sides of the equation by 50.

10 divided by 50 = 50Y divided by 50

0.2 = Y

Because the orginal problem asked for a percentage, the 0.2 must be converted to a percentage.

To convert a decimal to a percentage, move the decimal point two places to the right and add a percent sign.

In this case, 0.2 becomes 20%.

You would then proceed to the next answer until you find one that is equal to the desired 25%.

If you find that the fourth answer is the correct answer, 20 = 80Y, d ivide both sides of the equation by 80.

0.25 = Y

0.25 converted to a percentage yields the desired 25%.

Now let's try another one.

Which problem has an answer of 35%?

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