Tiny Levers

Materials Per Group:
12-inch ruler
large marker
post-it pad
What will happen when a pad of paper is placed on one end of a lever?
Tape the marker on the table. Balance the ruler on top of the marker. Rest the ruler on the marker at the 6 inch line.
Place the pad of paper on different spots on the ruler. Push down on the opposite end of the ruler.
Record Results:
Primary-Draw pictures showing what happened in each step.
Intermediate-Draw diagrams of your experiment.
Make an organized chart or graph that shows the results of the experiment.
Make sure journaling is done.
Share information. Did the results support your prediction?
What does this activity teach you about levers and work.
When was it easier to lift the pad of paper.
Design another experiment to show how levers work.
Design an experiment to lift a book 6 inches.
List any questions they might have. These could be used to develop other experiments.

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