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NPARC Alliance Guidelines Documents

The following documents were created for use by the NPARC Alliance during software development projects.

Programming Guidelines for NPARC Alliance Software Development (PDF, 132K, 11 pages)
Programming Guidelines for NPARC Alliance Software Development (HTML)
This document describes the programming guidelines to be used during NPARC Alliance software development projects. It deals almost exclusively with Fortran 90 since most NPARC Alliance software is written in that language, but some parts are also applicable to C.

Documentation Guidelines for NPARC Alliance Software Development (PDF, 108K, 5 pages)
Documentation Guidelines for NPARC Alliance Software Development (HTML)
This document describes the guidelines to be used when writing documentation during NPARC Alliance software development projects.

Testing Guidelines for NPARC Alliance Software Development (PDF, 27K, 11 pages)
Testing Guidelines for NPARC Alliance Software Development (HTML)
This document describes testing guidelines for NPARC Alliance software development efforts. It was written for use during the Wind-US development project, but with some modifications could be applicable to other software development efforts. It is intended for use during the development phase, and provides guidelines for evaluating the overall functionality of the software, and the functionality of specific features.

The PDF documents listed above are designed to be printed. They may be viewed and/or printed using a variety of freely available software packages, including Acrobat Reader external link, GhostScript external link, and and xpdf external link. The HTML versions of the documents are designed for interactive use.

The NPARC Alliance Guidelines Documents in HTML form are also available for installation on a local system. This is a gzip'ed tar file (21K, 93K gunzip'ed), and may be downloaded by clicking on the link while holding down the shift key, assuming your browser supports this capability. A dialogue box will appear for you to specify the directory and file name. To unpack the contents, do

   gunzip -c guidelines.tar.gz | tar xvf -
The files will be extracted and stored in the directory guidelines. Point your browser to the local file guidelines/index.html to display the NPARC Alliance Guidelines Documents home page. Note that this does not include the PDF forms of the documents. Note also that some links, to other manuals, etc., may not work.

Last updated 11 Mar 2009