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Installation and Execution

Directory Structure

The directory structure of b4wind was made to fit into the existing directory structure design of Wind-US. All files of b4wind are in subdirectories of the directory "tools". The environmental variable "TOOLSROOT" should supply the complete path to the "tools" directory. The environmental variable "SYSTEM" should supply the operating system of your work station. Presently, b4wind is available for SYSTEM = SGI6.5 and SUNMP5. The environmental variable "SYSTEM_CPU" indicates the chip and presently can have values of R4400 and R10000 for SGI systems and SPARC4U for SUN systems.

The directory $TOOLSROOT/$SYSTEM/$SYSTEM_CPU/bin contains all of the executables for the particular machine of the programs invoked by b4wind.

The directory $TOOLSROOT/$SYSTEM/$SYSTEM_CPU/obj/b4wind contains all of the object files for the particular machine created by all of the compiles while making b4wind.

The file tools/bin/b4wind (which may be a symbolic link) is the shell script file used to execute b4wind.

The directory tools/bin/TclTk/b4wind holds all of the Tcl/Tk scripts used by b4wind. (These may be symbolic links.)

The directory tools/data/b4wind holds all of the ASCII data files used by b4wind consisting mainly of message files. (These may be symbolic links.)

The directory tools/source/b4wind consists of the subdirectories data, icees, include, main, npair, terp, util and xfiles.


There are two options. You can install only the binary excutables, scripts and data files necessary to run b4wind or you can install the source and then compile all of the programs.

Installation of Binaries

The file b4wind.tar contains all of the data, scripts and executables necessary to run b4wind. Place it in the tools directory and untar it. Then, b4wind should be ready for execution.

Installation of Source

The file all.tar contains all of the source for b4wind. If the Wind-US directory already exists then move all.tar to the tools/source directory and untar it.

If the Wind-US directory tree does not exist, then move all.tar to the directory where you would like the tools directory to be and untar it. Then enter the command:

This creates the tools directory tree, then moves the b4wind directory to tools/source.

Now, after the b4wind directory is in the proper place, i.e. tools/source/b4wind, change to that directory and enter the following commands:

   make -f main/Makefile links
   make -f main/Makefile
The first make makes the necessary symbolic links of the data and Tcl/Tk scripts in the tools tree. The second make compiles all of the programs. It changes to the various subdirectories and processes their Makefiles. It assumes that the Common File libraries libadf.a and libcfd.a are in $TOOLSROOT/$SYSTEM/$SYSTEM_CPU/lib/b4wind. Now, b4wind should be ready for execution.


The environmental variables TOOLSROOT, SYSTEM and SYSTEM_CPU must be properly set before execution, as described in the section "Directory Structure". A user must have a Version 8.0 or latter Tcl/Tk shell installed which can be invoked with the command "wish". The file tools/bin/b4wind (which may be a symbolic link) is the shell script file used to execute b4wind. If $TOOLSROOT/bin is in your path you can execute b4wind by the command "b4wind".

Last updated 5 May 2003