program geom ! Reads the text file containing the coordinates of the ! RAE 2822 airfoil and creates input files for ICEM CFD. implicit none character :: cline * 70 integer :: n real :: x, yl, yu open ( unit=7, file='geom.txt', form='formatted' ) open ( unit=8, file='yl.pts', form='formatted' ) open ( unit=9, file='yu.pts', form='formatted' ) do n = 1, 5 read(7,'(a70)') cline enddo write(8,*) 65, 1 write(9,*) 65, 1 do n = 1, 65 read(7,*) x, yl, yu yl = - yl write(8,*) x, yl, 0.0 write(9,*) x, yu, 0.0 enddo stop end program geom