The Baker Creek Data Page.  Baker Creek is a small creek that runs next to Strongsville High School.  We did these tests on Baker Creek so that we could practice doing our assigned tests on a real body of water.
Standard deviation
Weighing Factor
Total %
Dissolved Oxygen 10.3 mg/l 

100% Saturation

.645 91% .17 15.45%
Fecal Coliform 583.2 colonies/100 ml 696.84 46.5% .16 7.35%
pH 7.75 units .26 92% .11 10.65%
BOD DOday1=10.4mg/L 

DOday5=7.15 mg/L  

BOD = 3.05 mg/L

.865 77% .11 8.72%
Temperature Change Temp site1 = 12.9 degree Celsius 

Temp site2 = 12.7 degree Celsius 

TempChange=.2 degree Celsius

.23 91.5% .10 9.15%
Phosphate 1.05 mg/L .59 52.5% .10 5.25%
Nitrate 4 mg/L 0 82% .10 8.2%
Turbidity 13.3 meters (or JTU/NTU) 3.49 68% .08 5.1%
Total Solids 190 mg/L 26.45 73.2% .07 5.18%
Overall Water-Quality Index 74.62% 
Overall Water-Quality Index Quality of Water
90-100% Excellent
70-89% Good
50-69% Medium
25-49% Bad
0-24% Very Bad

As you can see, Baker Creek's water quality is good.

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